chapter 9

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The town crier was making his second round to announce the meeting that will hold the next day at Ichie Oguzie's house. gbogbom, gbogbom, gbogbom, the gong went, there will be a meeting of the elders at Ichie Oguzie's compound tomorrow morning. Anybody that did not come, one pound. whose ever heard should tell others oooo. Ooooooo, gbom! He continued hitting his gong with gusto as he went his way. Only him knows why he likes responding to his own announcements. May be it makes him feel that others are equally responding. Ichie Oguzie was the coordinator of the elders forum. This forum comprises of the policy makers in the village. They meet regularly to deliberate on issues of importance in the village. There was no permanent place for this meeting, rather, they rotate it from one elders house to the other. This month, it is Ichie Oguzie's turn to host it. When a reasonable number of people have gathered, Ichie Oguzie got up to address them. Taa Igbo mma mmanu!, Ichie Oguzie greeted stamping one of his legs on the ground as he also gesticulates with his hand to add force to his voice. Yaa! the other elders answered in unison, rie nu, yaa!, nuo nu, yaa!, muonu, yaa!, zuonu, yaa!. Onye biri onye biri. This is the normal way of greeting any gathering of Igbo's. Ichie Oguzie was the most prominent man in Ngodo. Not because of wealth, indeed, he may not be the wealthiest in Ngodo, but he is certainty the oldest. In Ngodo, there was no formal way of recording birth and death, the only way to ascertain ones age is by associating it with any major event that happened at the time of birth. Ichie Oguzie belongs to the age group that were born the year night came in broad day light (eclipse of the sun) Going by that calculation, he should be in his late eighties or early nighties. Ngodo like all other Igbo communities is governed by a group of elders. They don't have a king, though they have titled men. Ichie Oguzie sat down and reached into his goat skin bag. He brought out a large Igbo kolanut and gave it to a younger man sitting near him to show it round. Thereafter, the kola nut was returned to him with many people saying, the King's kolanut is in his hand. Almost all the elders in Ngodo were at Ichie Oguzie's obi. They have come to deliberate over a lot of issues ranging from land dispute, to marital problems, stealing and gossiping. He broke the kola nut and threw the lobe outside, 'Ala eat kola nut', he said. Then he prayed, let morning pick up every bad thing and go, iseeoo, the others chorused. May the kite perched and may the eagle perched too, iseeoo, they chorused again. Anyone that says the other should not perch, may it suffer a broken wing.
Iseeoo, the others chorused . It will be well with both the men and the women, Iseeoo. Life to the fish and life to the water. Iseeoo. He broke the kola nut into pieces and poured them into a wooden tray meant for that purpose. He took a piece and ask the young man to pass the kola round. While this was going on, Uzoka, the secretary got up to mention the cases they have for the month. He started with the minor cases. The first one was that of Nwafor, Mazi Okoro's wife. Nwafor grabbed her husband's thing,when two of them were having a scuffle.( Igbo's consider it indecent to mentioned private parts in public). The question now is, what is to be done to her? Ichie Nnanyere got up to address the issue. He said that though it is not bravery for a man to beat his wife, still it is an abomination for a wife to touch that part of a man's body without his permission. He however, ruled that, since Nwafor has come with her kinsmen to beg, she should be allowed to join her husband after giving umunna and umuada one life goat each. She should also use a fowl to beg her husband. After the judgement, the couple were invited. Uzoka, the secretary intimated them of what was said. They accepted the judgement, then they thanked the elders and left. The second case was Mgbechi's case. The husband died three planting seasons ago. Nwankwo, the husband was an only child and he has no close relation. Are his umunna going to allow his obi to be over taken by weeds? At this point Obioma got up and disclosed his interest in Mgbechi. Mgbechi was called and Ichie Oguzie asked her whether she knows the young man, immediately she said yes, the case was closed. No need to over stretch it. For a woman to acknowledge that she knows who a man is, is enough answer. Everyone should count their teeth with their tongue. At this point, Uzoka announced that Mazi Nwokeforo has something to tell them. Nwokeforo got up to talk, his friend Nwaneri held his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. He greeted the gathering and started. I'm sure you all know my predicament. The only thing that made me better than Nwankwo, Mgbechi's husband is that I am not dead yet. Tufiaa, some of them answered in sympathy. Nwokeforo continued. I have gone to Afa, and the answer I got was not satisfactory, therefore I have decided to take a drastic measure to secure my obi and my name. Some of the elders were nodding in pity as they listened attentively. Onaedo my daughter will not marry. He decided to hit the nail on the head. There is no tactical way of presenting it. She will live in my house and bear children in my name. on hearing this Nwaonuma jumped to his feet. He had been eyeing Ona for his first son. Eeh? Nwokeforo, what did you say you want to do with that little girl? Is it her fault that you and your wife cannot produce a male child? Are you addressing me Nwaonuma? Nwokeforo asked. Before he could answer, Nwaneri moved in for the kill. May thunder clive your head in two Nwaonuma, I say may the gods set you on fire, who gave you the mouth to... Nwaonuma did not allow him to finish before turning on him, are you cursing me this disgrace of a human being? if you are worth anything you will have advised you friend better. Nwaonuma was known throughout Ngodo for his inability to choose his words wisely. Wait there, this corpse that is waiting for burial, Nwaneri shouted as he moved agressively towards Nwonuma brandishing his staff, just wait let me send you straight to your fore fathers. There was commotion in the obi as everybody was talking at the same time, many sided with Nwokeforo, while some sided with Nwonuma. After trying to restore peace without success, Ichie Oguzie ruled that anybody that so much as opened his mouth again will give them two life goats. On hearing this, peace was immediately restored. The elders then asked Mazi Nwokeforo to continue. He stood up but his mood was already ruined. He had nothing much again to say, he said in a low sad tone. Other than they should tell him the necessary things to do. The elders decided to give him the break down later. Other cases were called after this but, Nwokeforo's mood had been soured. He and his friend Nwaneri left soon after. He will meet with Ichie Oguzie later and get from him, the list of things to do. In their absence, Ichie Akukalia intimated the elders of his desire to take a new wife. He did not go into details. he only pleaded with them to give him their support when it is time. They all anonymously agreed to do that. According to them, it is a thing of joy. Again Nwaonuma murmured something which nobody heard, Mazi Ude eyed him and he checked himself. It was almost dusk before the meeting came to an end.

Ahhhh choas laughing hysterically in my seat pass the juice please.

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