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My dad walked out of LeAnn's room, just barely putting on a shirt. Liam glared at him and looked from his mom, (which I had just noticed was just wearing a thin white robe), and back to my dad. He definitely wasn't happy in the least. I rested my hand on his shoulder for a brief second before moving to the living room. The space between the hallway, kitchen, and doorway was getting too crowded.

"Morgan, Liam," my dad announced, taking LeAnn's hand and leading her into the living room. "Will you two sit down for just a minute? We have exciting news we'd like to share with you."

Liam grumbled, then sat next to me on the couch. It was an ugly two-cushion floral couch. Not saying that all floral-printed couches are ugly, but this one looked especially stained with age. I sat on one cushion, while Liam sat on the other. Not too close, yet not too far away from each other either. A comfortable distance.

LeAnn and my dad took position in front of us, grinning like a couple of idiots. I exchanged a nervous glance with Liam before returning our impatient stares back to our parents.

My dad cleared his throat. "I have asked LeAnn to marry me," he announced proudly.

They both giggled and I wanted to puke. This could not, WOULD not happen! Liam glared at his half-dressed mom.

"And you said yes?" he asked in disbelief.

LeAnn smiled. "But of course."

For the first time, I noticed the single-diamond ring on LeAnn's finger. It was glowing. But in my head, I imagined it rotting and losing its shine. It would. I knew it would. An unhealthy marriage like this wouldn't last like a way-too-long honeymoon. It couldn't possibly! I didn't say anything because I was too stunned and disgusted for words.

Right on cue, my phone rang. Felisha. Perfect timing. Liam looked at me with disappointment. I knew he wanted so badly to have an excuse to leave as well. It's too bad that I was planning on having girl talk with Felisha. Otherwise, I might've been tempted to invite him and save him from this.

"Um, I promised Felisha I'd help her with her math test tomorrow," I lied.

My dad's smile quickly faded into a frown. LeAnn was about to protest as I opened the door, but my dad held her back. Good. Guess someone can get a clue.


I answered the phone.

"Meet me at the park! I have something I want to tell you," Felisha said excitingly into the phone.

"And hello to you too," I joked, using the same response Liam always used to use.

There was a pause. "Oh sorry, hi."

I laughed. "Meet you there."

With my retarded foot, it took longer than usual to get there. But when I did, Felisha was right there waiting at the curb. I greeted her and she helped me step up onto the grass.

The big tree that I fell from was right there. As dark and luminous as before. It stood triumphant, as if it was proud of itself for making me fall, as if it was glad that its very top branches have yet to be conquered.

I stared at it for a while before Felisha nervously led me away from it. She was obviously scared that I'd try to climb it again in attempt to make up for my injuries. That's what I do. I make up for my mistakes. But that tree was one thing that I wouldn't be able to beat. Stupid tree.

Just as we walked past it, though, I heard a pitiful mewing. I looked around but there was nothing.

"What is it?" Felisha asked me.

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