Make the Best of Every Situation

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Turns out, my dad had packed up my things while I was with Felisha and moved them into LeAnn's house. I had my own bedroom across the hall from Liam's. He even offered to give me his since his was bigger and had a bathroom. But I refused. He asked because he thought it was a brotherly gesture. So therefore, I didn't want to take him up on it.

LeAnn was sure glad to invite me in her house, which I guess is mine since Dad is selling ours. Yep, I'm expected to move here. Great, eh? No, not at all. I've been here for a few weeks now and I customized my room to be how I wanted it. I didn't make it like my old room with good reason: It would be a constant reminder of my old life if I did. I definitely didn't want to dwell on the past. Even if it WAS a good one.

Also, my mom hadn't made contact with me at all. That was fine. She needed to figure things out. Just like I did. Like, what was I going to tell me friends when they want a sleepover? Or what was I going to say about Liam? I didn't owe them an explanation, but I did for Felisha. And as for my foot? It was as good as broke at the moment. Sure, the doctor said it's going to heal, but it'd still take a while for that to happen.

I decided to keep a record of everything that happened in every day. One day I might just want to turn it into a book or something cheesy like that. Or I might find the pleasure in burning all these terrible memories in hope of erasing the pain.

Today Liam had his friends over and I had to lock myself in my new room because we promised each other we wouldn't say anything until we knew WHAT to say.

Well, I avoided my friends today. That is, except for Felisha because she wouldn't stop saying how sorry she was that I got hurt.

And now it was Tuesday, and things couldn't be worse. I went to fourth period and instantly was ambushed into rapid questions from Onika and Naomi. I should call them the Queens of Gossip Twins. Yeah. Sounds about right.

Fourth period was math. Unfortunately, Liam was in this class. Fortunately, he was across the other side of the room. There was something that nobody knows about Liam that I know. He is a total geek when it comes to math and science. See, you got computer geeks, drama geeks, and then there's math and science geeks. Liam is athletic, but he has a secret side that his mom probably didn't even know about. And because of that, I am proud. It's always nice to have bragging rights. And the fact that I knew more about Liam than his own family- that was something I would be more than glad to brag about.

I tried avoiding eye contact with Liam, in return receiving several confused stares from my friends, including Felisha. But at the end of class Liam just HAD to come up to me and tell me about the plans tonight. I was going to meet more of Liam's family. Great.

After school I ditched my friends and drove home with Liam and his friends. We finally decided just to say that we were friends for the moment. It wasn't exactly a lie. But it certainly wasn't even close to the truth.

They dropped us off and I had to walk over to my house and hide in the backyard until they left. How dumb. When the doorbell rang later that night, it signaled the enter of his Uncle, Aunt, and two cousins.

There were boring greetings before I finally got out of hiding and introduced myself. Well, I didn't introduce myself. In fact, as soon as I walked into the living room, Liam wrapped his arm around me.

"Meet my new sis," he told his two cousins around the age of eight or nine. One boy, one girl.

I shrugged him off. "My name's Morgan. What's yours?"

The little boy giggled and covered his face with his hands.

Liam whispered in my ear, "I think you've got yourself an admirer."

I snorted in mock laughter and turned to the little girl. "Are you going to talk to me?"

She swayed her arms around her waist. "I'm called Rosie, and this is Thomas."

I nodded to both of them and Thomas blushed before I sat down at the dinner table. Of course, Liam just had to sit next to me. My dad sat on the other side of me and LeAnn was at the end. The lady named Sharlett, who was Liam's Aunt, sat on the other side of the table along with her husband, Derek.

This could've been more awkward, I told myself unconvincingly as they all shared family stories that I wasn't included in. I suddenly felt like an outsider here.

"So what exactly happened?" Sharlett asked out of nowhere.

Everyone paused mid-chew and dropped their silverware, exchanging glances with everybody else. I didn't feel hungry anymore.

LeAnn wiped her mouth with a napkin anxiously before answering. "Um, it's a complicated situation."

And she left it at that. No mention on how my dad, Andrew, fell in love with my mother while LeAnn was pregnant with me. No mention on how I JUST found out. No, it was just 'A COMPLICATED SITUATION'.

Liam stiffened beside me and I could tell that he was just as angry with his mom as I was. So angry, in fact, that he stormed off to his room. It was too awkward at that point so I followed him in. He started pacing as he always does when he has a lot on his mind. I tried calming him down but nothing worked. So I hugged him.

He squeezing me tightly and dug his head into my hair. He was tracing circles on my back. I couldn't tell if he was crying or not but his breathing was shaky. I felt really bad for him. Maybe I had been so self-centered that I hadn't even thought about how all this was effecting Liam.

Soon enough, it was dark and I could no longer see the room around me. We had just been locked in this position all night without our parents coming to tell us that the family was leaving. I don't know how they managed to hold off the questions for the whole night, but they did. I should be grateful for that. There was enough to deal with as is.

Finally, Liam let in a deep breath and pulled away. Part of me was disappointed. The other part of me was relieved because he must feel a little better now. So I told him goodnight and went to my room.

"Liam!" I called as soon as I entered. "I need more sheets!"

He came in minutes later with new sheets.

"How do you go through these so often? Do you have a bladder problem I need to know about?" he asked, laughing.

I smiled. "No. I just wash my bedding every week. It's gross to stay in dirty sheets."

He smirked. "You'd know."

I threw a pillow at him in mock anger. "Take that back!"

He grinned, throwing the pillow back at me. I caught it. "Make me."

I growled playfully and used myself as a human weapon, flinging myself at him and knocking him down. I took a whack at him with the pillow. He couldn't stop laughing so I stopped and smiled.


He got up. "Maybe..."

He walked to the bed and grabbed another pillow. I cowered behind my pillow and squealed as he threw the pillow at my face. I threw it back at him, causing him to lose his balance and fall onto the bed. I stood, triumphant. Until he took me by surprise and grabbed my arm, yanking me to him.

I stumbled and before I knew it, I was right next to his face. We stared at each other, breathless, for a while before we snapped to our senses. I gulped and turned away. I could hear our parents going to bed, (in the same room, might I add). I shook my head and turned off the lights, pushing him aside so I could make my bed. Then I collapsed and fell asleep.

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