Tree Climbing

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Felisha lead the way to the strong roots of the large tree. They winded up the trunk like a spiral pattern. The lowest branch was close enough to grab without effort, and then from there it was like a winding staircase. Except for the lonesome branches that twisted into their own stairway to the sky.

I looked up and tried to figure the best way to go. There were several paths to take. It was kind of like life. Several roads leading into the unknown, you just have to choose the right ones. The thing with me, though, I like to take short cuts. Maybe not the best way to go but I wasn't dead yet!

See, the way I see it: I have two consciences. One good, one bad. So far, the bad one has gotten me further in life than the good one ever did. Sure, it's a difficult path, choosing the bad conscience. But life is worth risking. IF you only live once, you better live it right. Right?

Before I could think any further, Felisha was grabbing hold of the mighty branches and swinging her body into tight spaces to get to where she wanted to be. Then she stopped.

"Hey! Wake up, Miss Daydream! Climb up where I am on the opposite side and we'll race to the top!" she called down to me. She wasn't anything like the person you'd think she was, rich and all.

The thing about it all is, well, you can make anyone think you're somebody you're not. But you can't fool friends. They know you too well. And if they don't, they aren't your TRUE friends. Well, Felisha was put off to be a snooty rich girl, but really she's this amazingly fun and adventurous person to be around.

I rolled my eyes, even though she probably couldn't see it from up there. "The farthest we can go is half-way. The top is too thin and won't carry our weight."

Felisha grumbled playfully. "Is that a nice way of saying that I've gained weight since I got sick?"

Giggling, I shook my head. "You're too much Felisha!"

She was a stick.

She smiled. "Now get up here. We'll just go as far as we can. The one whose up the highest WINS!"

I grabbed a peeling branch and snaked through two branches, balancing on one and using the other for support while I hauled myself to the next level. Soon enough, I was right opposite of Felisha. She yelled 'GO', and we began.

Taking hold of the branch above my head, jabbing my foot into a foothold, I got a good start. By the time the sun was beginning to set, we were half-way. Of course, I wasn't as experienced as a tree-climber as Felisha, so she was three branches ahead of me. I was a competitor and didn't take losing as an option. Now, I wasn't a poor sport when it came to losing, but it never got to that.

We'd have to go back down when the sun set so we were in it to win it now. I flung myself dangerously across a gaping space between two leafy mattresses where I could've easily fallen. Luckily, I'm quite flexible. My feet landed perfectly between two close branches and I was totally dependent on the branch to the left of me. My hands took hold of it perfectly and I watched between two leaves as Felisha leaped up further. I was so close.

Suddenly, as I tried stepping onto a higher level, my foot got stuck and my hand lost its grip on the next branch. I grunted with the effort to use my other hand for balance but it didn't seem to catch anything but air.

My head swung backwards and I was sure I was going to drop and die. But my left foot was so wedged in those two branches that it kept me from falling. I know you're not supposed to look down, for the sake of not panicking, but I couldn't help it. If I was going to fall, I want to be prepared for whatever. So I looked down. The world was backwards, upside down, and sideways. The ground was dizzy and blurred.

I could feel the blood draining to my head and my foot went numb with pain. I was so scared. But I felt too sick to call out to Felisha for help.

The tree stopped shaking and the leaves stopped whispering so I knew Felisha had stopped, obviously confused. Maybe triumphant. I couldn't think. My eyes began to droop. The last thing I remember was Felisha's scared cries and my foot slipping out of its hold.

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