3rd of May: cackling and meaningless conversations

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So, as usually I'm sitting on the train. Shoving my headphones further into me ears to try and block out old ladies ghastly cackling and loud meaningless conversations. I am also hoping that De and Mal aren't on the train, sometimes they can get on my nerves and I can only take them in small doses. Oh yuck, someone called Ga who I used to dance with just got on the train. She was so rude to me and had to respect at all towards any teacher who taught her. I guess that's worse than De and Mal.
De was on the train as I figured it out when I walked up the stairs towards the doors and there she was.
I got to school and I had Biology first. That lesson was probably my last lesson ever because at lunch I got it taken off my list of classes. I haven't even told the teacher yet.
I also had dance, lucky I did my homework because, anyone who didn't got sent outside.
I bought this bright blue ice block at recess, it was so sour and I was scared I wasn't going to finish it before class. But I did.
In business studies, we found out that we were going to be going on an excursion to the city to have an all day lecture for revision. That was the most exciting thing so far all week. For legal studies the teacher wasn't even there so we went to the library and I did work and wandered around the school for a bit just to waste time.
It's been so cold today and my dad can't even give me a lift home from the station. So I walked home alone, in the cold with the same song on repeat until I got home.

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