5th of May: A really good day!

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It's immunisations today and I am so scared. It's actually one of my biggest fears. I also got my mum to write me a note so that I can leave early because I have officially dropped biology so I don't have to go to the class anymore. My first class was English which hardly anyone was in because the people with last names that start with A-F had to get vaccinations. Mine were in 3rd period. In English we talked about issues of privacy and technology, designer babies and paranoia. It was relatively interesting.

After this business was the second thing I had. So I went there knowing that I probably wouldn't have to do much work. Since our teacher was not there and we had another one. I also went to the toilet and I saw Mo, she asked me if I knew what manga was, I'm not sure how to spell it. But it's these Japanese books. They look cute. But I was like oh no I haven't read that book but I know what manga is. I told her I have vaccinations today as well and that I was so scared to get them. She's honestly the most adorable person ever. She makes my day better.

At recess I saw my biology teacher about me dropping the subject and then asked him who has to sign the paper. Straight after I got the deputy principal to sign it. I don't really like her but she seems like she was trying to be nice to me. But I know she can be really mean.

I had vaccinations next. I was actually that scared. So I talked to Al and Mu to take my mind off it. And it worked. The needle didn't actually hurt that much. So after I sat with Bl, Al and Mu for the waiting period. I went back to legal studies later.

After lunch I could leave, so I said good bye to Mo and left the school. I caught the shuttle bus to the shops and bough my mum a gluten free pizza base. I also bought salted and roasted sunflower seeds and my favourite thing, cookies.

I than sat outside my favourite shop and embraced its mixed smell of cinnamon and other nice spices. I watched the owner pack food into small bags whilst contemplating whether or not to go in and buy something. Thanks to my shy nature and not having much money I didn't by anything.

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