Not my usual Tuesday at the library: 25th of July

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Today I was half way through my trials and had just done the business studies exam which drained my brain like nothing else ever has. Plus I stayed with Li all the way through her sport as well as Lio because he tried to wag sport and go out of the school but failed because he nearly got caught by a teacher. He's a funny kid, plus an exchange student from Germany, but overall he's super nice.

So li and I caught the shuttle bus to the library, the bus was so crowded that li felt uneasy, I did after a while too, my hands got sweaty and my whole body felt uneasy. I'm not sure if it was the fact that these bitches on the bus we're talking about two of the three boys that I have a crush on. They mentioned their names not even knowing that I was sitting right next to their sister, hearing every stupid whining word that left their foul mouthes. I probably accidentally gave them a dirty look once or twice and they noticed because they talked. They would've bashed my if I stared anymore and decided to leave my jealous self to contemplate the reasons why any of my crushes would choose me over them.

Anyway now li and I were at the library, now this library experience was like no other I have ever had. I talked to this girl from Korea, I've forgotten her name now... but she was so mature and made the best conversation with Ro and I. I was meant to be studying for legal but was immersed in a great conversation with tired eyes and a pressure headache from exams and concentration.

Now take note, the next thing that happened totally brought me out of the tired trance I was in and slapped me awake. These two boys named Bi and Moh were playing some kind of shooting game where they played music and came near you and shot you. I was like ok fair enough, so I just kind of turned around when they were going past and was like oh you got me haha. But then around 5 minutes later they came right up close to my friend and I and pointed their phone guns at my face. At this point I didn't know what to think because they were intensely staring into my soul, so I started to laugh, which is my typical reaction when I am awkward. Then they just stayed staring and Bi was like what's so funny in a really serious voice and I just didn't know what to say. Finally my friend came to the rescue and said, do you guys have anything better to do? And she said can't you find a hobby and I was like this is their hobby. You know also whilst that whole incident happened the guy that I have a crush on and now currently still have a crush on him but not as much as I used to. He came over and just looked at us with this little kid. I was just like noooo please don't make this any worse than it is. So apparently he was the detective in this shooting game the other two were the police. I thought that was pretty interesting but that's not all. When the guy I have a crush on came over the smallest guy Moh said "you know this guy"and gestured towards him. I didn't even have to look, I just answered yes. I swear just by that he knows something I don't. Do they know that I like Ya? Or is it something more peculiar than that?

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