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" Miju-ah, let's go " somi shuttered after wearing her bagpack, pushing her chair in waiting in front of my desk. She was flicking her hair out of the way which was blocking her eye view.

" Mian somi, i'm staying at school " i shrugged finished packing my bags, she pouted. i beg apologizing for not telling her earlier, feeling bad somehow not inviting her.

" alone ? at school ? "

shooking her head. " no, i'm staying with do yun. We have something to do together " i shrugged frowning. " look, here comes do yun " i added, pointing out the window seeing do yun stepping into the class.

" Annyeong somi! miju! " do yun shouted happily.

" Hi "

" Hello do yun "

" well, i'll be going first. Bye " somi muttered waving goodbye as we both bid her goodbye, then turning her heels and went out the door.

" let's go miju! " do yun squealed, pulling miju out the classroom. Closing the classroom doors before heading to the theater to meet Mark.

opening the main entrance of the theater's door, walking down the stairs between the red colored seats and up towards the stage. Do yun went to the centre stage and did a Titanic pose, breathing the smell of standing on stage.

" Come on, doyun " miju snapped at do yun, bringing her back to reality. Going to the side stage of the theater's stage where the Grand piano is located.

putting our bags to the side and went to play the Piano. " Miju, play something " doyun huffed at miju. Miju started to play some notes leaving a beautiful sound coming out, automaticly making doyun started to dance ballet but it literally didn't turn out that well.

The music was awfully graceful but the dancing was a bit off.

we had a little rest after having fun playing and dancing. " oh my god look at the time, it's already past 4. Sorry miju, my mum told me to come home before 4.30 strikes " doyun pouted frowning.

" sure, i'll definitely pass the box to him. you can rely on me " i uttered smiling cheekily to her. she pinched my cheeks all of sudden making me groan in pain. she giggled at my reactions and went pass the curtain until her vision was no where.

miju sighs in depression. These past few days she has been down lately since the last chat with jeno last week, but she managed to keep her happy and cheerful personality when she's around her friends. miju has been staying at school since last week and always comes here playing the piano to let her feelings out.

she decided to play again today with the same song again ...

Hi, it's been a while
There's no question mark in your voice, it's so you
As if it's a rule
Your seat is always the same, by the cold entrance

Make sure you eat well, because it'll all pass
You'll be able to fall asleep like you did before
I really mean it
You have the right to be happier

Don't say those words, please
You know those words hurt even more
You say you're gonna love me, what use is it?
You don't know what kind of heart you gave me

while she playing the piano and singing the song together, she didn't notice a tear drop down her cheeks as she continues to sing the song.



" oh no my wallet! where is it ? " i mumbled panicking as i search through my stuff, pockets and even ask the members if they have seen it, but to his lucky no one knew where it was.

" maybe you accidentally dropped it when you bump into our classmate earlier in front of the theater ? " renjun exclaimed, thinking logically.

" you said you would treat us at the famous bakery shop we found last week " haechan scoffed with a 'duh' tone.

" the breads there were really good " jaemin crings thinking back the taste of the bread they bought last time. " the cookies too " renjun added.

" wait, i'll go and see if my wallet is anywhere the theater. " i shrugged giving haechan my bag and running towards theater. Luckily, it was there just like what renjun guessed it would be.

But then i heard a sound, the sound sounded like a voice of someone singing and it was coming from inside the theaters. As i was too anxious, i decided to follow the voice as it attracts me more the closer i get to the sound.

As much as you were lonely
I really hope you meet someone
Who will love you more than you
I'm sorry that she's not me

listening to the lyrics thinking the person must've had a heartbreak. The soulful voice made the world stops but only the voice remained to sing with its melody.My heart beating, having a weird feeling. the voice feels so familiar, but who ?

Don't say those words, please
You know those words hurt even more
You say you're gonna love me, what use is it?
You don't know what kind of heart you gave me-

" miju-ah! " someone spoke,i stopped my track shock to find out that miju was the one singing that soulful voice. The music stopped, seeing miju coming out from the curtains and stopping in front of a boy. I quickly hid behind one of the seats, not wanting to be seen by them, peeking over the seats shocked again seeing Mark with miju.

what's mark doing there with miju ?

couldn't hear their conversation much by the quiet distant among them, but to my surprise mark suddenly hugged miju, patting on her back for comfort.

what's their relationship together ?

i rolled my eyes annoyed with the lovey-dovey drama over there. Then, seeing miju holding out a box and giving it to mark. The box was well decorated and pretty small but long. Feeling more curiousness what going on between them. Looking at the time, shoot 15 minutes has past. The boys must still be waiting outside,haechan will start his mumbling again later.

Quietly sneaking out pass the theater entrance and continuosly running towards the front gate where the others are waiting. " what happened to you jeno ? " haechan uttered putting one of his arm on the hips. " you've been gone for 18 minutes. My legs are dying waiting for you " he added starting to mumble while i try catching my breath.

" you look like you just ran a marathon " jaemin exclaimed, making renjun chuckling too.

" Anyway let's just go " renjun pouted hungry.

" wait, where mark ? " i asked out of curios if any of them knew.

" Oh, he said he went to meet someone " jaemin mutters.

" who? "

shooking his head. " i don't know, he didn't say who it was " jaemin mumbled raising his shoulders. " Let's juts go, i'm hungry " renjun added rubbing his tummy.

haechan jumped throwing his arm around jeno and jaemin's shoulder. Renjun joined too, putting his arm around jaemins and went to the bakery together ...

but what i'm still curious is .. what's in that box ? and what's between those two ? And what's with the weird feeling i felt when i heard miju's voice ?

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hi, sorry for the late update .. thank you for those who have been waiting patiently, you guys will get a spiritual hug from me <33 .

The song that miju was singing is called ' Ending Scene ' sang by IU!

lots of love,
renjun's wife

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