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as the school bell rang echoing throughout the whole school. Cheer and happy feelings screaming inside students as the school period has ended from the boring lessons. Sounds of chairs clinking, greetings the teachers goodbye, bags filling with school works and halls crowded with students as they went out the entrance, going home or other certain places.

" miju let's visit Aunt Yumi's store .. " somi muttered, clinging onto my left arm as we walked out the school gate. " it has been a while since we last visit " she added.

chukling " aigoo, do you miss aunty yumi that much. we visited her last sunday " i shrugged, flicking her head as she groans in pain. 

" that's sunday and today is friday so, it has been 4 days since we last seen her. And 4 days is .. " she paused, counting the hours for 4 days. grinning, holding onto my laughs before huffing them out. " 96 hours! " she shuttered loudly.

Chuckling, can't hold onto it anymore. " of course, we're going to visit her. " i muttered teasing with a duh tone, earning some slap from somi. 

i plead in apology still laughing on top of that. Twitching our hands together as we skipped our way to 'simply baked' aunty yumi's cafe. 


pushing open the glass door, bell ringing as we stepped in and earning some warm welcome from Aunt Yumi herself, doyun on the other hand working at the cashier was shocked seeing our sudden visit.

" SOMI! MIJU! My two sweets " she squeal, welcoming us with an embrace. we hugged her back " AUNTY YUMI! " somi shouted,happy again to be back at Aunty Yumi's cafe.

puling from the hug as the other customer looked at us with all the loud commission. " let's get you girls a sit, it has been a long trip yesterday hasn't it?  " she shrugged inviting us to sit, somi elbowed miju with proud.

" doyun! go serve some food for your friends then chat a bit. i'll take over for a while " Aunt yumi whispered, ending off with a wink at the end. 

" thank you " doyun murmured, smiling cheekily honoured to have such an aunty and went to take some food for the others.

plates full with food being brought to them, serving them with pleasures and happy smile like how they treat the other customers. " Here's your food. What beverage may you like severed? " doyun uttered, gesturing as she holds an iPad to take notes.

" i'd like my usual please " i shrugged a grin, ending with a wink. " me too doyun! " somi added, raising her hands straight up the air then put them down laughing cheekily. 

" all orders has been send " she mumbled looking down on her iPad then taking the seat next to me. Well since technology now is more easier with the tip of our fingertip, we sends our orders by iPad to our order board.

" so .. " somi smirk as she pulled the two letters. " how's your new relationship with jeno? " she muttered, stating the real topic she has been dying to know. 

" well, we started off with an apology for all the stupid statement. And now we're fine with everything, we're friends now " i exclaimed.

" friends as in best friend? close friend? or just a friend? " doyun muttered, listing down all the possibilities of a friend.

normal? close? i'm not so sure ..

silent as i thought deeply " i think " i paused a bit. " close friends, cause we hang out with each other and he helped me too sometimes, i trying to give back the favour by times too " i exclaimed.

  did i say too much?

" ooohh " somi cooed. " isn't it a one  sided? " she suddenly muttered.

starring as i was deep in thought, mind blank " i'm not sure " i pouted, cupping my face with both hand, depressed not knowing her true feelings.

doyun patted my back as comfort, opening my cupped face.

" guys, I think I need to go now. You can leave anytime I'll just be by the cashier, all these are my treat okay " she mumbled bidding goodbye as she went back to the cashier, continuing her job.

" somi-ah " I called, getting her attention.

" I think .. " pausing a bit as hesitating. " I think .. I still like him " I exclaimed, cupping my face full of shame. Somi gasped in shock and close her mouth before it gets any bigger.

My heart says I like him .. And so does my mind but sometimes it also reminds me of the past conversation with him ...

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+I'm starting to Stan Day6 ;))

lots of love,
renjun's wife

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