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" damn, why are we gathered here? " questioned hina anxiously crossing her arm glancing towards the stage in front.

" yeah, especially on english lesson " miju hissed and high-fived with herin who 100% totally agreeing with her statement.

" at least you can see jeno " lami teases smirking eyeing miju, adding a cute innocent wink at the end.

" whut ?! " miju uttered with a poker face.

" you still like jeno, right ? " koeun asks

miju shooking her head. " nope " she huffed the simplest answer she could give. " she hate him now, everytime she sees jeno she would get cranky, annoyed and even rolled her eyes to him " somi added in whisper tone. The others was still wearing their straight face looking at miju.

" ooh, i see " koeun mutters nodding, understanding where this conversation might be going. taking glances at the other 3 while lami elbows her twitching her eyebrows.

" what is it? " miju shutters, making koeun flinched a bit nervous.

" Umm it's like this ... me and my classmate were walking back to the classroom and happen to pass by jeno's class. i stopped my tracks when jeno said your name so, i got curious and decided to eavesdrop their conversation a bit. i h-heard him s-said h-he lik-kes y-you " koeun mumbled flattered a bit at the end.

It took some time for miju to get to the point then it hits her. She widens her eyes " what kind of nonsense is that " she shrugged which sounded like a question.

" testing one two " we flinched by the teacher testing the microphone working. " okay, sorry to bother you all but we have some very exciting news for you all " he added raising his eyebrows smirking.

" we're having a excursion for each year! " he exclaimed, the students cheered happily by the very good and exciting news.

" settle down .. This year tour spot is .. " the teacher paused a bit, the students were pouting wanting to know the destination tour.

The teacher chuckled " this year tour spot is Australia! " he exclaimed, the students cheered more loudly girls screaming excitingly.

" for 1 grade, you guys are going to Sydney! " he exclaimed, the 1 year clapped and cheered happily. Some of the seniors are envied by them. " the 2 grader are going to Perth and 3 grader are going to Melbourne! " he added.

The student excitement screams echoes through the school halls that could be heard from anywhere.


The bells ring throughout the school symbols that its recess time. The students are more

happy when it comes with yummy food and addition with the excursion coming up.



eating down the sandwiches in my hand with the happy vibe. Food never fails to be delicious and makes me happier than ever.

" are you guys going ? " Haechan huffed sipping down his banana yogurt down.

" yeah, who wants to be missing out all the fun? " I scoffed the others nodded agreeing too. Haechan rolled his eyeballs.

" do you think it's cold there? " Renjun shuttered.

" I think yes but i heard Perth doesn't snow " jeno shrugged spitting out about the weather in Perth.

" Jaemin can you do me a favor? " jeno spoke. I nodded.

Finishing off the last bread crumbs into my mouth " yeah, what favor do you have in mind? "

" umm " he pulls me closer to him " could you ask one of miju's friend if she's coming or not " he whispered.

Backing away with a blank expression " please, I'll do anything you want "

" anything I want " he nodded, a sly grin plastered on my lips. " sure, I'll just ask do yun "


" do yun " calling her name, stopping in front of her desk where she's talking to the other classmates, finally caught her attention.

" yes? " she shrugged. She must've felt weird, we never talked before so, it's unusual for her.

Glancing at jeno who's watching from afar, smirking " can I ask you something? "

" yeah sure, i guess "

Okay this is definitely awkward

rubbing the back-side of my neck " is miju coming to the excursion to perth ? "

" why are you curious if she's coming or not? " she snapped, I'm flattered. She's handling the awkward way too easy.

what should I say ? god save me

" umm, mark texted me to asks you if she's going or not " I uttered relief for finding a good reason to her question.

" owhh.. " her voices softens in the end as if there's a sad aura coming out of her mouth.

what's with her ?

" miju is going to Perth "

" okay thanks doyun, talk to you later " i mumbled, bidding goodbye to her which was completely ignored as she continues to chatted with the other classmate girls.

Walking back to jeno who must be more curiouser than anybody since he started having a crush on her and I don't know how it started.

" is she going ? " he started. I nodded saying yes.

" thanks Jaemin you're the best " he exclaimed, I rolled my eyes with his cringness.


Startled, slides open the classroom front door stepping in Mr. Dong bin whom teaches us history.

oh god, history ...

- : - : - : -

how was your exams week ?

lots of love,
renjun's wife

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