Chapter 1

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Lexas POV

"Oh shut up raven! You can't sing" Anya yells. As raven continues to belch the words to Ed Sheeran's Shape of You, I turn on to the highway. Costia joins in with Raven making Anya groan. "You guys really can't sing" she mutters. Laughing I merge into the left lane.
      We're almost to our exit when a beat down green car merges in front of me, cursing I slow down to avoid hitting him. "So Anya, how's it going with that boy your dating now? What's his name? Roan, right?" I say mocking my sister while speeding back up to 60 mph. "Oh shut up Lexa" she says slapping my arm "We aren't together and we won't ever be together."
      Muttering sure I get ready to merge into the exit lane when I'm blocked off by the same guy in the junk car. "This guy needs to learn how to drive." Slowing down, I merge behind him. I start picking up speed again waiting for the turn lane to get off the highway when the car in front of us suddenly stops. Swerving to avoid hitting them I run into the barrier of the highway.
       We have stoped but someone, Anya is screaming. Suddenly we are hit by a car coming at us at full speed sending out car swiveling back out into traffic. Bang, we hit the barrier again, the man in the green car hits the tail of my car sending the back end of the car into the barrier so that we are up against the it.
      I look over and see Anya covered in blood, reaching over I try and wake her. My hand comes back soaked in blood screaming I look into the back of the car to see Costia her eyes wide open and a piece of glass impaling her chest. Muffling a scream I feel hot tears run down my face. Looking for raven I notice the door is open and she isn't anywhere to be seen.
       Someone comes running towards us screaming on a cell phone that they need an ambulance. Looking down at my lap I notice I can't feel like right arm. It's trapped in the glass of the window, I must have punched through the glass when I put up my arm to shield myself from the glass. Pulling it free I scream and see blood gushing from several cuts.
     I hear a faint moaning and I try and get out of the car but the door will barely open. Squeezing through the door I trip over the barrier and see Raven.
     Stumbling over to her she's lying flat on her stomach her face paling. Looking down I see a large metal piece from the car impaling her back right where her spinal cord and hip bone meet. "Lexa, I can't... I can't feel my legs" continuing to cry I see people flooding down the hill and hear sirens growing louder.
     They haul us off in ambulances and send Raven and Anya into emergency surgery, they declared Costia dead at the scene. The rest of the day goes by in a blur, they came out and told me Anya was dead. They said Raven wouldn't ever be able to walk without a brace and that my arm wouldn't ever gain full mobility.


Today's the day... the day we burry my sister and girlfriend. My parents flew home as soon as they got the call from the hospital that Anya was dead.
They blamed it on me, yelled at me and hit at me saying if I had been more careful that she would have lived. They said I killed Anya, that I ended Costia's life, and that I ruined Ravens future. I believed them, I should have been more aware, if I had been more patient and waited to merge into the lane none of this would have happened.
Raven has tried talking to me several times saying it wasn't my fault, but I know the truth. She's in pain, she can no longer play lacrosse on the school team, her chances of becoming a mechanic have decreased and she has had three different surgeries since the accident.
      This was all my fault. I walk away from the cemetery by myself, I know where I'm going. I have planned it for the past two weeks. Reaching the outskirts of Polis I walk down the track of the trains until I find the only spot that has sunlight, which happens to also be where the road is.
     Glancing at my watch it reads 12:45. Right on time, I think to myself. The train should come through at exactly 1:00. Bending down to take off my shoes I hear the whistle of the train blow.
     Throwing my shoes off the tracks I sit back down. Looking up into the sun I wonder if Anya and Costia will forgive me or if I'm going to hell for killing them. Whatever I think, I'm going to die today so what does it matter. I'll go some where 
      Standing up and bending over to stretch my legs I hear the whistle of the train and glance at my watch seeing the train should be here in five minutes. Standing back up I'm suddenly rolling on top of something until I'm falling again. I hit the concrete ground with a hard smack and feel the stitches in my arm split.
      This is what I wanted right? To die... who cares how it happens. As I lay in the growing pool of blood I listen to the ringing in my ear waiting to slip into the darkness. Just as I'm about to pass out a sharp scream rings through my ears. The patter of feet growing louder until she's standing over me. Staring into her piercing blue eyes, I slip into unconscious.

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