Chapter IX

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(A/N: This will be the armor she wears from now on, sorry for all the changing and switching, I just couldn't find anything that I liked. P.S. there's a cape that goes with it; it hooks on over the shoulders and where the big snowflake brooch is that's where the Lothlorien leaf pin is.

The helmet was also remade it can slide up and down without her having to take off the whole thing. Her quiver is strapped on under the cape and her sword is strapped to her hip, while the twin daggers she got from her dad are strapped to back of her lower-back, hidden by the long cape that brushes the ground around her ankles.)

Celeblasdes's point of view

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Celeblasdes's point of view.

The next morning, was a rush. Everyone needed to be up early to get ahead start on traveling. An elf maiden had come to collect me for my finished armor. When I got back to the room where I had changed several hours earlier I found my armor sitting on the bed, set out for me to wear, the elf maiden that had come to get me, helped me change, pulling on the cream colored shirt, and the pale grey high waisted trousers. The maiden helped me into the newly made silver Mithril chain mail, pulling on a thick dark grey leather shirt over that, she helped me into the chest plate.

With it tied down, she had me slip on the under armor that would be covered by the shoulder pauldron and neck guards. Pulling on the elbow guards after the other stuff was strapped down securely she tugged on my forearm guards then the metal gloves that I thought would give me no movement, we actually really comfortable. The leather inside the glove was soft and comfortable with a thin layer of fur to keep from getting sweaty which in my case wouldn't be a problem, pulling on the under layer of the leg guards, they clamped tightly on the back of my legs and then hooked up the sides to keep from slipping down.

Next she slipped my feet into the dark grey boots lastly was the shin guards, those also clamped closed in the back and then hooked to the thigh parts covering my knee high boots. Hooking on the knee guards and the foot protection, she stood and grabbed my quiver, reaching around me she buckled it in the front and under my arm, when it was on she asked me to do several movements to test the straps and hooks keeping all of this on me. I expecting everything to make noise when I moved but there was noting, not even the clink of my mail on the metal of the armor. Grabbing the cloak off the bed.

I knew was mine because of the length and she stood behind me, and slipped it on under my hair and quiver hooking it in the front right where the pauldrons met the chest plate, the brooch was clipped in on the right side and it looked about the size of my palm, and was emerald green, probably the only color on me aside from my eyes. I liked it. Holding out my sword; Ringil. For me to put on I wrapped it around my wait and belted it on, adding my twin daggers I had gotten from Ada, on the back of my lower back. Lastly she handed me my long bow.

Tucking it on my back with my quiver, I added in four bundled of arrows into grouped into a hundred each bundle. Turning to leave she caught my arm before handing me a helmet that covered my while head and had a sliding mask piece, pulling it on I pushed the mask up and ran out to meet the others hoping I wasn't in there long. As it turns out they were just getting cloaks of their own, they all stood in a line each one received a greenish-grey cloak with a long hood and a matching brooch. "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people." The elves stood back after hooking the brooches.

"May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes." Celeborn said from his position in front of Aragorn. Going down the line of Fellowship, Galadriel started with Gimli, he was nervous and fumbled with his words when she asked what he would ask of the elves, getting over his fear he asked her for a single hair from her head, and she gave him three. Going to Aragorn next she spoke to him softly, I couldn't hear what she said, but she touched my necklace around his neck and frowned, I worried a bit, but smiled when they looked over to me. My helmet tucked under my arm, leaving my hair wavy and loosely braided around my waist and shoulders.

Smiling at him he turned back to her with a small smirk of his own and she pressed a soft thin lipped smile onto her face, moving on she handed Sam Elvish rope, and then continued on giving Frodo the evening star, something that would light his path even in places without any light and pressed a kiss into his curly black hair. She spoke softly to Boromir and moved to the last two hobbits giving them daggers about as long as my forearm and the matching belts and sheaths to carry them. Handing my brother a bow of the Galadhrim, bestowing it as a gift to the most skilled of our kin.

I don't think he was even listening as she spoke, he just couldn't help but admire the bow and test the string as she finished and came over to me. "It looks better than it did before, black wasn't your color, for your mother it worked in her favor because of her midnight hair and golden brown eyes, but you look too much like your father to ever be able to pull off something so dark, silver, grey and white are much more suited to you and your silver-blonde hair and ocean blue eyes." bowing slightly she tilted my chin back up, "Are you really going to give up you life as an elf to be with him?" she asked, and I smiled nodding.

"Yes, I would rather died than live life without him." sighing softly she held my cheeks and tilted my head so she could kiss the crown of my head. "Then may the Valar protect you and him." bowing again, I went to finish helping the others load the boats. I would be sharing with Frodo and Aragorn while Sam would be with Legolas and Gimli leaving the last two hobbits with Boromir. Seeing a new dagger tucked behind Aragorn's hip, I smiled. "New knife?" he nodded, "New armor." I nodded as well.

"You don't think it's too much, do you?" I asked and he shook his head, "If it protects you I don't care what color it is." smiling I gave him a quick kiss before finishing up with the loading. Finishing with the loading, I helped Gimli into the boat he would share with Sam and my brother before helping any of the others. When they were set Aragorn and I held our boat steady as Frodo got into ours, holding it steady for me, I got in and used my ore to keep us in place for Aragorn to get in. Seated and ore in hand we pushed out and our boats moved easily through the waters.

The only people really weighing anything were Boromir, Aragorn three of the four hobbits and Gimli. Myself and Legolas being very light helped our boats to move faster and Frodo seemed to be the only hobbit not to be eating something all the time. Gliding down the Anduin towards the Falls of Raumos, that was where we would loose our pursuers. Both the Orc pack Aragorn told me of and the creature Gollum. Moving out of the small ravine and into deeper waters Aragorn and I kept our boat effortlessly in the front, while Legolas pulled closely behind and some times Boromir would lag behind but would catch up when we paused for small breaks.

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