Chapter XXII

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Third person's point of view.

Celeblasdes stood at the gate with Dwalin and Kili and the rest of the dwarves that had come with them, and smiled. "You guys were amazing out there. I thought I was going to have to live with just the stories of you fighting skills but now that I've seen it, you guys fight better than most elves." Kili and Dwalin smiled and thanked her, about to say more a messenger rider rode in like a demon was after him. "Lady Celeblasdes! Urgent news from your Mother!" Rushing around the dwarves Celeblesdes grabbed the letter.

Ripping it open she read it quickly and a wave of panic washed over her. "I need to speak to the King." Kili and Dwalin stayed where they were as she took off running to where the King and his commanders were. She ran right by Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas. The four of them wondering why she would be running like that followed her, they got to the room as she was racing back out, "Celeb!" Legolas shouted after her but she was so deep in thought that she didn't hear him.

"Legolas there is only one reason she would be rushing like that." Gandalf said, everyone, looked at him, "What?" Gimli asked confused. "Something bad happened back in Mirkwood that needed her immediate attention." Gimli looked in between the wizard and the other's of his company, "What?" What would need her right away?" Legolas placed his hand on Gimli's shoulder, "Someone important got hurt, an ever since our mother healed the Sons of Durin she hasn't had the same strength."

Aragorn seeing the same worry in Legolas' eyes that he saw in Celeb's quick leave he set his hand on his shoulder to comfort him, which he smiled to and returned the gesture.


Celeblasdes doesn't remember how hard she rode her horse, but when she returned she instantly handed him off to be seen to as she raced through the halls of the Kingdom to find her parents. "Nanath!" she called out as she ran into her parents' room. Colwen having heard her daughter rushed to meet her, when Celeblasdes saw her mother she ran into her arms and didn't care she was still dirty from the battle she had just finished with the Uruks. "Come please your father needs you." Celeblasdes nodded and they rushed again.

Coming into the room she as a child would run into to leap onto the bed with her still sleeping parents, she was instead greeted with the prone form of her father, King Thranduil. Two healers standing by him setting up things that would be needed by Celeblasdes. "Ada!" she gasped out, his chest was covered in gauze which was soaking up more and more blood by the minute. Rushing to his side she took his hand and looked at his face, he was barely conscious so Celeblasdes would have to scold him for being careless later.


It was days later, and Celeblasdes was finished healing her father, it was very touch and go but he pulled through, coming out of the room she limped to her own room down the hall, she had been awake for nearly 7 days healing her Father, on top of the 4 extra days she spent awake gathering elves and dwarves for Theoden and then fighting the 10,000 Uruks that Saurman sent from Isengard. She was spent and wondered how she was still even on her feet. In her room, she stripped off everything that was covered in black blood and red from healing her father,

Then went into her bathroom and drew a bath, when it was warm and at a good level she stepped into it and sank into the water. Letting the heat from the water warm and loosen her tight and tense muscles. A knock on her bathroom door startled her a bit, "Yes? Who is it?" she called, "It's me." her Mother answered, "Come in Nana." Celeb called, walking in her mother smiled at her, and sat by the rim of the tub, her hand resting on her daughter's head stroking the wet locks of white-silver hair.

"Thank you my love." she said and then leaned over the rim to kiss her daughter's forehead. "Nanath, were you ever this tired after healing Uncles Thorin, Kili and Fili?" Colwen chuckled, "yes, but because you are not of two Gondolin parents your endurance to stay awake is stronger than mine, you can thank your father for that." the two females chuckled before they were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Col, my love you in here?" Thranduil asked, though he shouldn't be out of bed he wanted to see his daughter and wife.

"Yes dear, but you shouldn't be out of bed, you are still recovering." Thranduil came in any way and took a seat near the bathroom mirror, slouching in the seat Celeblasdes chuckled and took the small towel from the pile next to her and soaked it before ringing it out and folding it for her Mother to place over her father's eyes to relieve tension. Sighing when the cloth touched his face, he caught Colwen's hand before she pulled away. "I love you two." Smiling Celeblasdes leaned on the tub rim and smiled lovingly at her parents.

They had the love she wants with Aragorn. The love she was going to have with him. Dozing off to these thoughts Colwen smiled and Thranduil got up, draining the tub Colwen wrapped Celeb in a towel and helped her husband carry their daughter to bed to rest. The next big and final fight coming she would need her rest to be able to survive if something were to happen.

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