Auburn curls surround her face
She sleeps in oblivion
One finger, firmly between parted lips
She needs no companion.
In solitude she plays and dreams
She's in a world of her own
Little does she know that it's only time
She won't feel lonely while being alone.
She's perfect just the way she is
You can't convince her otherwise
Even a slight strangeness earns her laugh
And for an unknown pain she cries.
She has no worries in this world
No one to please but herself
Twinkling stars that shine in her eyes
A smile brighter than the sun itself.
She's an angel and she knows it
But all too soon she'll be grown up
And I do know, all too well
When she does, nothing will ever be enough.
Parents and relatives will ask her then
What happened to that little girl?
She must be grown up
Ready to take on the world
She's strong, brave and she can kick butt
Never too afraid, never hides
But deep down she'll never tell you
She wants to crawl under a blanket and go back to being a child.