Chapter 19 Luke: Boarding

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Luke's POV

In the car on the way to the airport.

I'm so tired. I barely slept last night because my head's such a mess. Tired I leaned against the door of the car. I finally noticed that Ashton and Calum were having a conversation next to me. 'But first our acoustic shows! Those are really fun. It's still strange to think that there are 5SOSFamily members in other continents, isn't it?' Ashton said enthusiastically. I frowned. 'Wait... what? Acoustic shows?' I yawned. I sat up straight and turned to Ashton and Calum.  'Seriously, Luke? Where is you mi-' Ashton quickly cut himself off. He forgot about Aria for a second. Of course my mind was with her... 'I'm sorry, mate.' He said. 'I had forgotten that... well you know.' He continued cautiously. We remained silent for a while but then Calum opened his mouth. 'So... before opening in the London O2 Arena, we have our own acoustic show.' I nodded and turned my head to the car window. 'Oh come on Lukey, we're gonna take over the world.' Micheal tried to cheer me up from the front seat. I rolled my eyes. Taking over the world? In my dreams.  

'Passengers for flight BA 8457 to London Heathrow Airport can now go boarding at gate 18.' Called a woman's voice over the intercom.

I sighed while getting up from my chair. 'There are to many people now who are boarding so we can better wait for another minute.' Calum said. There was absolutely no disire to sit down and wait, so I grabbed my black Eastpak and walked up to the line for gate 18. Calum got up too and followed me to the end of the line to keep me company but the rest remained seated. Calum is a good friend, I thought. He always tries to be there for me whenever there's something. Keeping me company in silence is sometimes what I need and Calum knows that even though he likes to have conversations. 'Maybe you sould try to get some sleep on the plane, you look very tired.' Calum said after a couple minutes. I nodded but I knew that wasn't going to happen. The line in front of us was very long and it felt like we had to wait for hours. I sighed while looking at the people in the line. Somewhere far behind us, I suddenly heard someone shouting something I couldn't quit catch. Curious as I looked over my shoulder. No one to see except a few people waiting at other gates and a busy hallway. I couldn't see the person who shouted but I was tired and annoyed so I didn't really cared all that much. I shrugged as I turned back and looked to the line in front of our gate. A bored sigh left my mouth. 'LUKE!' My body froze for a second when I heard a clear voice screaming out my name. I could recognize that voice anywhere but I never expected to hear it here right now. As fast as I could, I turned around to the crowded hallway. About a hundred feet away from me stood she, wearing her ripped jeans and her navy blue tank top who looked really good on her. 'What is she doing here?' I thought as my jaw dropped. Her cheeks were all red and I could see her catching her breath. She ran all the way to... see me? What? Why is she here... wait who cares? She's here! My Eastpak slipped off my shoulder and fell to the ground. Aria started making her way through the crowd towards me. My body started to move and soon I started running into the crowd. I looked around me to see where Aria was because I lost her out of my sight. Where is she? Then I saw her and continued to run in her direction. Around me, people were giving me angry looks as I pushed them out of my way. I mumbled a couple apologies but didn't stop running. Some people already saw me and moved out of my way. I saw Aria getting closer and closer. Sooner than I expected she bumped into me and put her arms around my neck. I automatically wrapped my arms tightly around her waist. 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I really am sorry!' She breathed out. The sound of her voice filled my ears and made me feel warm. I pressed her even closer to me. 'Shhh, it's alright.' I whispered softly and still surprised by her appearance. 'No, it's not.' She said while pulling away so she could look at me. 'I was awful to you yesterday.' She said looking at the ground. 'I should've never done that. I'm really sorry, I'm so stupid.' She continued ashamed. I smiled as I pulled her into another hug. 'But you came all the way to the airport to tell me that, that counts. And you're not stupid.' I whispered in her ear. We stayed like this for a while until she pulled away again. 'Oh uhh, you have to go, your plane is leaving in a couple minutes.' I took a quick glance over my shoulder to gate 18. Michael, Calum, Ashton and my mom were waiting for me to come. My mom is coming with us on tour, she has to keep an eye on us or something. It didn't bother me at all, I love my mom. The line in front of our gate was almost gone so Aria was right, I needed to hurry up. I turned back to Aria again. Shit. What can I do? I really don't want to leave now! 'Ehhmm... here, take this.' She said while taking her Dog Tag Necklace off and pressing it in my hand. 'So you still have a little piece of me with you.' I looked up from my hand with a disbelieving look. 'Are you sure?' She nodded so I quickly hang the nacklace on my neck. The chain still felt warm on my neck. 'Okay, then you take this.' I said, taking my 5SOS guitar pick necklace off and put it around her neck. She blushed even more than she already did, which made her look adorable. 'You have to go now if you don't want to miss your plane.' She said after a while, pointing to the gate. Only Calum was still waiting for me. I wrapped my arms around Aria's waist again. 'I don't want to let go.' I whispered. 'But you have to catch that plane. One Direction needs you, your own band needs you.' She laughed in response. 'Call me when you land, okay?' She asked when I let go of her waist. 'I will and maybe we could facetime often? Only if you want.' She smiled sweetly and bit her lip. 'I'd love that.' For the last time, I hugged her but this time I gave her a little kiss on her hot cheek. 'I'll see you soon.' I smiled as I stepped back towards the gate. 'Just go, you silly.' She giggled.           


Sorry for not updating much (I say this a lot I think) but yea. Last week I went to Austria and my brother had a horrible ski accident so that keeps me busy. He's going to be alright but things are difficult now. But I'm trying to write as much as possible :D I probably made a lot of mistakes or the sentences are just messy because I have no time for a check, so i'm sorry for that :-(

Hope you liked this chapter anyway. Please vote, comment, maybe share? :)


Falling In Love Again - English (translated) || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now