13. We'll meet again my love

66 3 27

Your POV

I woke as I feel Jungkook's arms around me. I try to put his arms away so that I can take a shower but Jungkook's grip just got tighter.

"Don't go y/n"

Hmmm..so he is awake all this time? I turned his way so that I could face him.

"Goodmorning jagiyaa", Jungkook said. He pulled me closer to him and kiss my lips.

"Good morning Jungkook".

I'm still shy thinking about what happend last night. But I'm very happy.

I like this feeling. Me wearing his oversized white shirt. He sleeping next to me with his arms around me. I like how he smells. Not his parfume but his own scent.
[A/N: I really wonder how's Jungkook scent🙈🌸].

I bury my face in his chest and felt the warmth of his body.

"Why you're hiding your beautiful face babe?, Jungkook said laughing.

'Jungkook last night.."

I couldn't finish my sentence as Jungkook said..

"Last night was amazing...thank you jagiyaa for trusting me ♡"

We layed still for about 20 minutes...but it wasn't akward. We just liked eachother company. He then started to talk...

"U-uhm....Jagiya-aa~....y-y/n...", he was obvious nervous.

"Why you're so nervous kook?", I smiled at him.

"Y/n...you know that I love you, right?

I just nodded.

"When my eyes met yours the atmosphere fragranted like heaven".

"My eyes only have your name,  please recognize it".

"Omg what has gotten into you kook?", I said.

"Ssssst...you ruining the moment".

"My body feel brighten when you're in my arms. As if I found peace in your breath".

"Y/n I'm Iike a silent sky.
Your my moonlight"🌒.

"Your a affection night.
And I'm the yellow star🌟

"Yea~ people call me crazy. They are right. I'm crazy for you".

"But that's when I realized I just woke up from a beautiful dream".

"Tell me y/n.. how can I remain away from you?"

"I've come so close...like I'm hiding in your chest and your hiding in mine.

"My promise to live and dying with you is true".

"Y/n..w-will you p-please b-be my wife? Please be the mother of my children. Grow old with me. Let's die in eachother arms".

"Y/n...m-marry me?"

What..wait what ?! I started to cry.

"I'm sorry", Jungkook said

"I know this isn't the best situation of asking. I should organized something sweet and go on my kne~".

I cut him of by kissing him.

'Y-yes Jungkook.  Yess i will", I said crying. But it was just tears of happiness.

"Omo really", Jungkook said smiling.

"Haha yess kookie. YESS!"

He sit up on the bed...and then jumped on it.

"I'm engaged to the most beautiful woman on earth....no in the universe!!!", Jungkook screamed.

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