Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Rose and Key.

     Melinda walks back in, holding a short dress. It has long sleeves that drape down to my waist. It sparkles and shines with different shades of violet, emerald green, deep scarlet, and navy blue. I put it on and as I move, the colours swirl together, making different patterns. "It's beautiful." I whisper. Melinda smiles. "I'm glad you like it. Now put it on." She instructs. I put the dress on and look in the mirror. The dress is expertly shaped so the fabric fills out the curves I could have had, if I hadn't been starved my whole life. "Let me do your hair and makeup." She starts doing my makeup and hair, taking her time and I can tell she's putting lots of effort into even the tiniest details. She secures my hair in a high bun and finishes off my makeup. When I look in the mirror, I am stunned. My lips are scarlet red, my eyes...All the shades of colours that are in the dress sparkle together in my eye makeup. I have dark eyeliner branching out from the corners of my eye, my eyelashes seem darker and longer. "You look amazing." Melinda tells me. She hands me some shoes, simple flats with the same colour scheme as the eye makeup and the dress. "Let's go." She tells me, and we start walking to the stables.

     The chariot we will be riding on is gold, painted with red and purple trim. I start petting one of the black stallions that is drawing our chariot. I look around at the other tributes. The pair from District 12 looks the same as the tributes from their District did in the 74th Games. Black clothing with fire streaming off of it. Even though I've seen it before, it's still interesting to see, but I don't think the Capitol will find it as exciting the second time. The pair from District 4 are wearing scraps of blue and green fabric over their.....Uh, private parts. They have fishing spears strapped to their backs as well.Their tan skin glistens, as if they've been dipped in oil. Their dark hair is wet as well, which seems a bit odd. The pair from District 2 are dressed as peacekeepers.... Sexy peacekeepers? The girl's dress is very revealing, and she doesn't seem too thrilled about that. Both of their costumes have shoulder pads with thick, shiny silver spikes. The rest of the costumes are the same as every year. Jewls for District 1, circuitry for District 3, all that. "Jonette? Jonette?" Brian says, and he snaps me back to reality. "Time to start." He says grimly. I step up on the chariot and wait for our turn to ride out of the stables and to the welcoming crowd.

     The District 7 chariot has just left. I feel queasy. Nervous but somewhat excited as well. The horses trot forward and the Capitol cheers. I notice Brian smiling and waving. I catch a rose that flies in my direction and sniff it. The crowd roars with delight. I look up at the banners, and I catch a glimpse of my face in the fading sunlight. I look stunning, prettier than I've ever looked. The chariot stops abruptly and President makes his speech. It's the same speech as every year. "And may the odds," President Snow pauses, "be ever in your favor!" And he walks off. The chariots ride back into the stables, and Melinda rushes up to us along with Fifi, Brian's stylist, Cecelia, and Woof. "You were amazing." Cecelia gushes. I smile. "Alright, now head back. Go to sleep." Fifi orders. I take the elevator up to our floor with Brian and Fifi and the doors slide open after about a minute. I walk quickly to my room and shower. The warm water soothes me and I relax. I climb out and look in the mirror. Yep. All my makeup has been washed off my face. I pull on a pair of comfortable gray pants and a white T shirt. I curl up under the warm covers of my bed and let myself drift off into a light sleep.

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