Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Rose and Key.

          "Stop whining, you'll look gorgeous afterwards." Romeo scolds as Fulvia scrubs me down with a rough brush. I wince in pain. My prep team, three brightly coloured people, are getting me ready for Melinda. They scrub me down and rub me with a lotion that makes my skin sparkle faintly, which actually looks nice. They don't do my hair or makeup yet, that's for after the dress is on.  Melinda enters with a dress and smiles. "Shut your eyes. We'll put it on you and then do your hair and makeup." She explains. I sigh and do so. The dress is tight fit on me, yet the fabric is thin and soft. I really hope it's not see-through. I sit down in a chair and my prep team gets to work.

     "Open up." Melinda says, and my eyes open. I gasp at my reflection. The dress is not see-through. It is a beige-cream coloured, embroidered with gold, not in all places, and fits me like it was sewed on. At my knees the tight fabric flows out. It is strapless dress with a short-sleeved sheer top that is not embroidered, except for the shoulders. And my face...Wow. Black lines my top eyelids, and my eyelashes are long and dark. My lips are cherry red, and some gold blush dusted on my cheek accentuates my cheekbones. There are no blemishes, no freckles on my face to be seen. My red hair falls in a cascade of curls down my back. "Do you like it?" Melinda asks. I nod. "It's...Amazing. I didn't think it was possible for me to look like this." I murmur. Melinda smiles. My prep team scurries out and I am led to the lineup. The lineup for the interviews. I am absolutely terrified. Panem is finally going to learn about me, and if they don't like what they see, I'm dead. Literally dead.

     Clove smiles at me from closer up in the line. She is wearing a short navy-blue dress with a sheer covering over the silk. It has one shoulder with ruffles over it. Her lush brown hair is down and straight. Her black high-heels are so high I feel extremely sorry for her. She looks dangerous, but beautifully so. Mason is sulking behind her. Maybe it's because his stylist made him wear so much eyeliner. I can understand why that would make him sulk. Brian comes up behind me. He's wearing a simple black suit with a gold tie. He isn't wearing eyeliner. I bet Mason's jealous. I hear music and turn to the TV screen. Caesar Flickerman introduces himself, chats with the roaring audience for a while, and then calls up the girl from District 1. She walks onstage and after five minutes the boy tribute is called up. Five more minutes pass and Clove is up. She glances at me and I smile reassuringly. She walks onstage.

"Welcome, Clove! How are you today?" Caesar asks.


"Well that's good. So, my dear, how are you liking the Capitol so far?"

Clove shrugs. "It's okay, I guess."

"Ah, I see. Tell me, is it different here? I mean, from District 2." Caesar says.

"It rains less." That makes the audience roar with laughter.

     Is that her image? To not care and be threatening? I hope so. She's doing a good job at it. The bell buzzes and Mason is called up. His interview is nothing like Clove's: He's a joker. He cracks jocks and is sarcastic and funny. Who would have known? I had always thought he was all shy and quiet. Well, maybe he's just playing for the cameras.The pair from three is called up, but I don't really listen to their interviews and what they're saying. They didn't look like threats anyways. Zanna is called up. She is wearing a green skin-tight mermaid dress. Her hair is wet and she looks like she's been dipped in oil: Damp, shiny, I guess it looks okay. She wears a crown of coral, seashells, and pearls on her head. Her interview is boring, but she tries to be threatening and scary. She doesn't really do a good job. I see right through her act, and I'm sure all the other tributes do too. Ren is called up and appears to have the same angle. He does a better job but still not a good one. The rest of the interviews pass, and I don't pay much attention. Finally, I am called up. I take a deep breath and walk onstage. The crowd roars it's approval and I sit on the chair, using the poise Fifi taught me. Legs crossed, back straight. I smile winningly at the crowd and turn to Caesar. Caesar smiles at me. " So, Jonette, how are you feeling today?" He asks.

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