Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to Rose and Key.

     Clove grabs Zanna's shoulder and flips her around. "You didn't answer me." I say. "If you don't agree, we'll find you and...I just don't want to have to kill you." Clove says.

"I thought I answered that!" Zanna spits.

"Do you agree or not? If you don't we'll hunt you right to the finish." Clove says.

"I. ANSWERED!" Zanna screams wildly. She kicks Clove back so hard that she lies there on the ground, struggling to keep her breath. I turn and snarl at Zanna, but she's already running away like the coward she is. "Mason, help Clove breathe. I'll get her." I command. Mason nods silently and kneels by Clove, who is starting to breathe normally again. I sprint towards Zanna and stop when I see them standing there, Ren's head covering Zanna's face. I take a deep breath. I really hope I don't regret this. I shoot an arrow, which lodges right in Ren's back. He stops cold, his eyes wide, and falls to the ground. The cannon fires right away. Zanna stares at me, open-mouthed, before her shock turns to rage. "YOU! HE NEVER DID ANYTHING TO YOU! I HATE YOU!" She screams.

"I don't care if he did nothing to me! We did nothing to you and yet...What did Clove do to you before you shot her? Interrupt your stupid conversation!" I shout.

"IT WASN'T MY FAULT! I WAS AIMING AT THE WALL!" Zanna screams, tears streaming down her face.

"Why the Hell did you even want to fire at the wall anyways! Oh, I get it, it's "her fault" because she "got in the way" of your arrow!" I shout.

"I know! I KNOW WHY YOU DID IT! It's because I killed Brian, isn't it? I was acting in self-defense! You killed him for no reason! You'll regret this!" Zanna sobs.

"You are an idiot! You're not a threat! Get off your high horse! No one cares!" I shout. Zanna starts laughing hysterically. What in the world...?

"That's just it, now. You're a murderer, Jonette. A cold blooded murderer!" She says, sounding crazy.

"Shut. Up. I know you've killed too! Don't blame this on me. THIS WAS YOUR FAULT!" I scream. Zanna pulls my shirt up so we're nose to nose and presses a dagger to my throat.

"Do. Not. Provoke. Me." She hisses.

"I didn't." I snarl, and I punch her in the gut, making her double over.  When she regains her composure, out of nowhere a knife comes and hits Zanna's out of her hand and into the pond. Zanna looks at us, realizing it would be difficult to shoot us from so close up, so she slings her bow over her shoulder, smiles triumphantly, and falls backwards into the pond. I run over, but the murky waters hide her from my sight. There's no way we can follow her. I sigh and turn to Clove and Mason. "Let's relax for the rest of the day." I decide. I sit on a large, flat rock and throw a stone into the water. I look up at the setting sun and realize how quickly the day has gone by.

     The sun fades behind the trees and I take that as a cue to climb up our tree and set out my sleeping bag. I slide my legs in and lean against the sturdy trunk. The anthem starts and show first the face of the boy from District 6, next is Ren, and I don't choke up or look away. I acted in self defense, too. Ren tried to kill Mason. I didn't want that. Next is the girl from District 7, then Brian. I look down and remember the only time we spoke on the roof. I look up just as his face fades into the night sky. The anthem cuts off and all is silent. "I'll have first watch." I say.

     "Sure. I'll do second watch. Mason? You okay with being third?" Clove asks. Mason nods, curls up in his sleeping bag, and pretends to snore. I smile and throw a pine cone at him. He stops and I look to Clove. "Get some sleep." I murmur. She nods and smiles weakly. She slides into her sleeping bag and is sleeping in minutes. I stare at her back for a minute before sighing and turning my attention to the moon, clear and bright in the cold night sky. My breath hits the air in a puff of smoke, and I shiver. The temperature has dropped harshly. I watch the moon with intent, waiting to see if it will blink out and make my world dark. But it doesn't, and it won't. The hours tick by, doing barely anything but scouting around, making sure Zanna isn't popping up in the middle of the night to attack. A thin column of smoke rises into the sky and I sigh. It's not the time to track anyone, even if it is Zanna and maybe even Rose and Wilson. When I think it's time, I climb over to Clove's branch and poke her cheek. "Whaa?" She mumbles, not fully awake. I smile.

"Your turn to take watch." I say, climbing over to my branch. Clove sits up and rubs her eyes, still keeping the warm sleeping bag on her legs. I slide into my sleeping bag, close my eyes, and try to relax.

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