Chapter 12

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  • Dedicated to Rose and Key.

     Hours tick by and I still can't sleep. I sit up and think about asking for warm milk or something to help me relax. I decide to go to the roof again. I stand up, yawn, and walk to the door. I open it quietly and shut it. The lights are dimmed but not off. I take the elevator up and see I'm not alone. The silhouette of Brian is leaning against a stone planter. "Can't sleep?" I ask, startling him. He shakes his head. "We're going into the arena tomorrow. I doubt we're the only ones that can't sleep tonight." He says, sighing. I can hear the Capitol chanting something in the town square. They can't wait to see us die. I sit down and pull my shawl around my shoulders as a cold gust of wind blows by.

"I wish..." Brian begins, but he stops.

"What?" I ask, "You wish what?"

"I wish I didn't have to go. I wish we didn't have to go." He says. I nod.

"We all wish." I say. we are silent for a long time, just listening to the crowd and looking at the bright lights of the city. I sigh and lean back against a planter. "I hate this. I hate them."  I say softly. I know there are probably cameras, but I'm going to die anyways. It's not like they'll take it out on me or whatever. Brian nods. "I agree. It's sick." He says. He's right. They watch us, the kids of our districts, they watch them die. They don't even cry. They don't protest, they don't raise their fists and rebel. They just watch with satisfaction as the cannon fires. I want to show them that they can't do this to us...They just can't. But I'm one girl against the Capitol, and I just can't afford to think like this anymore. 

"I want to kill her. Not badly, but I want to kill her." I say. Brian looks surprised.

"Who?" He asks, a puzzled look on his face.

"The girl from District 4, Zanna. She shot Clove and got away with it. She did it on purpose, too." I say.

"Why?" Brian asks, still puzzled.

I shake my head as I say, "I don't know. She just did for no reason."

"Well then let's make a deal. We can kill both of them, you know. We could take them. One of them dies, one of us kills the other. One of us dies, it's up to the other to kill both of them." Brian says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Deal." I say,and we shake on it. I stand up and head to my room. This time, I fall asleep right away.

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