Chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to Rose and Key.

     I roll over in my sleeping bag. I roll into something soft, which shifts and grumbles. I open my eyes and sit up. Clove is beside me, her head under the cover of her sleeping bag. I poke her cheek and she starts awake. "Oh God." She says, rubbing her eyes. I stretch and crawl outside. The sun isn't out. it's actually quite cloudy. I frown. I feel like something is going to happen soon, but I shrug it off. Of course something is going to happen. There's only, what, six people left? I see Mason lying on the grassy ground, banging a stick against a rock. I start climbing down the tree, exhausted even though I got lots of sleep. I sigh and do my hair in a simple ponytail to keep it neat and out of my face. I nudge Mason's stomach with my foot and he stands up. "I'm letting Clove sleep in today. Can you get breakfast? I'm too lazy right now. And you've been up for hours." I say. Mason sighs. "Yeah, okay. I will. But just this once. I'm not a slave." He said. I huffed. "I know that. I'll, um, I'll do...something. Now go and get some food." I say. He walks off to the little fish pool I made a while back. I take my knife and start whittling a stick. While I am, Clove climbs down the tree. She looks more well rested than I probably do. She sits beside me and yawns. "Tired. What's for breakfast?" She asks. I shrug. "Don't know. Mason's getting it." I say. Clove raises her eyebrows. "Hm." She says. We wait together for Mason to come back. When he does he has a feast with him. Fish, berries, roots, and some mint. I smile. "You shouldn't have. Let's cook the fish." I say, grabbing the cold fish and setting them beside our fire pit. I grab some dry sticks and dead grass and put them in. Mason lights them with his lighter and fashions a spit. He puts the fish on to roast and soon enough we have a full meal waiting for us.

     In a few minutes our feast has been devoured. The berries gone, the fish bones are the only trace, a few crumbs of root, and no mint is left. I smile, glad to be full. "I'm glad we're not scraping by. We're actually doing well, we've got food, water, supplies, it's better then camping out without even a blanket." I say. "Me too." Clove says. I realize that if I hadn't made this alliance, I probably would've died in the first couple days. Mason and Clove have saved my life so many times it's almost ridiculous. "Why are you smiling?" Mason asks. I snap back to reality and shrug. "No reason, I guess. The breakfast was good, thanks for getting it." I say. Mason nods and goes back to throwing rocks into the pond. Clove sighs, bored, and joins him. Soon enough I find myself doing the same thing.

     The rest of the day passes, uneventful. We have lunch, run around and swim, eat dinner, and just spend our time having fun, for once in the arena. I feel good about being able to do this. To have allies--No, friends, to do this with. I lie down on the ground and sigh. The sun is just starting to set, not quite touching the peaks of the mountains. This was a good day. No one threatened our existence. No earthquakes, no wounds, no nothing. I smile and take a deep breath. For now, life is good.


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