Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Rose and Key.

     My eyes open and I know that I have only slept for an hour or so. I sit up and blink. Go onto the roof or something. Clear your head. I thought to myself. I stand up, slide on my boots, and walk out of my room. I step into the elevator and within a minute the door slides open. I walk out of the glass elevator and see someone else sitting by the edge of the roof. Another tribute. I turn to walk back to the elevator, but they see me before I can. "Hey, you!" The girl says. I turn to her and walk a step towards her. "And who, might I ask, are you?" I ask. "Clove." The girl replies, in a tone that almost says shouldn't you know that by now? "And who are you?" Clove asks me. "Jonette." I reply. I walk over to her and sit down. I look at the dizzying drop below me. "I wonder if we can--"

"You can't. There's a force field." Clove says, interrupting me.

She stands up and jumps right off of the roof. I gasp and stand up to see if she's dead yet, but she bounces back up onto the roof and lands on her feet. "Oh, wow." I say in a small voice. "Yup." She says. We sit back down. "So uh, what District are you from?" Clove asks me.

"District 8. Textiles." I reply, in case she didn't know what my District supplied. "And you're from 2." I add.

"Yeah. Masonry." She says, looking at the Capitol's bright lights.

"I liked your Opening Ceremony outfit." I say, trying to make conversation.

"Pfft. Are you kidding? It was terrible!" Clove says, chuckling. I smile. "I liked yours, though." She tells me. "Thanks." I murmur. We continue to chat about costumes and what we might wear and our stylists until I get up the courage to ask what's been nagging at me ever since we started talking.

"This is going to sound crazy, but I want you to be my ally. You can say no if you want, because maybe you might want to be in an alliance with District 1 and 4, but I feel like we would make a good team." I say. I yawn after, because the sun is starting to rise and I've only slept for, what, an hour? "So what do you think?" I ask.

"FOUR? Are you kidding? All they ever do is complain about the lack of seaweed in the Capitol!" She says. I laugh.

"So is that a yes?" I prompt.

She hesitates. "Yes, but only if the boy from my District can be part of our alliance as well." She says.

"Sure." I say with a smile. Finally! I knew I'd find an ally!

I yawn. "We should get some more sleep if we can." I say. Clove nods. We walk to the elevator and go to my floor first.

"Night." She says before the doors shut. I walk to my room, fling open the door, close it behind me, and collapse on my bed, exhausted. I don't even get under the covers before I fall asleep.

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