Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to Rose and Key.

     Thirty seconds. Thirty seconds left until the gong rings. I scope out the Cornucopia, looking for something worth running into the bloodbath for. Right in the mouth of the Cornucopia lies a tent pack, just a few metres from my plate is a box of crackers. Near the middle is a crossbow, and beside it a knife. And beside that? A backpack, green like the forest. I need those three things, especially the backpack, but while I'm there I might as well get the weapons, too. Fifteen seconds. Clove is four plates away from me, Mason is seven. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

     The second the gong rings I am sprinting towards the Cornucopia at top speed. I reach down and grab the pack. I sling it over one shoulder and grab the crossbow and knife along with a quiver of arrows in my right hand. A knife whizzes past my head and I see the boy from District 10 running for me. I load my crossbow and shoot him in the chest. I run to his body, pull out the arrow, and run towards the forest at top speed. Blood sprays my back but I keep going. I turn around at the edge of the woods to check on my allies. Mason is fighting for a pack and a spear, and Clove is running to a girl, from District 3 I think, because she has the throwing knives that Clove was eying from her plate. She grab's the girl's head and snaps her neck with her bare hands, kicks her body away, and grabs the knives. What is it with District 2 and breaking people's necks? I push the thought away as she makes for the woods west to me. I run into the forest. I'll meet up with Clove and Mason soon. Not stopping to rest, I strap my crossbow to my forearm and load an arrow in. I slide my knife into my belt and sling my pack over my other shoulder. I dive into a ditch and wait. Within the minute, Clove and Mason run by me. "Guys!" I hiss. They turn and run back to me. "It's about time." I say with a grin. They help me out of the ditch and I take in their supplies. Clove has a gray backpack and a set of knives, a whole dozen. Mason has a spear and a black pack. "Good news," Clove says, "I got the knives Zanna was eying. She's a terrible shot anyways. She got eight cheap ones." She smiles and we start jogging in the opposite direction of the Cornucopia. Suddenly eight cannons fire. Eight dead tributes, fifteen left to die.

     Half an hour passes and we break by a large tree. "So, Nice arena, huh?" Mason says. I realize I've never heard him speak. I open my pack and go through the contents. A coil of rope, some trail mix and dried fruits, beef strips, a half-gallon water bottle, with not a drop of water inside, a sleeping bag, some yarn, needles and thread, a roll of gauze. I don't know how it all fit, but I'm glad I took the risk of getting the pack. Mason and Clove got similar things, only Mason got a lighter. I look up and see a trail of smoke. I turn to Clove and Mason. "Follow it?" Clove suggests. Mason shrugs. I smile. "Okay."

     We arrive at the site of the fire, but it's clearly been abandoned. No people, no traces but the still-smoking pile of charcoal. I see some rustling and spot Zanna and Ren behind a bush. I aim my crossbow and the arrow buries itself into Ren's arm. He screams in pain but shuts his mouth quickly. Zanna pulls the arrow out, bandages it, and they run away. I sigh and we go back to our tree. "Look out!" Clove shouts, but it's too late. I stifle a scream of pain and look at my leg. Zanna shot an arrow at me, which means she got her hands on a bow. My right calf is bleeding slightly, fortunately it only punctured my skin. I pick up the arrow and put it in the quiver' of arrows for my crossbow. "Should we follow them?" I ask. Clove shakes her head. She's right. The sun is setting, and it's getting cold. "We should make camp here and then leave first thing next morning." Mason suggests. I nod and start climbing the tree.

     We're all settled in the tree, roped onto sturdy branches and in our sleeping bags when the sun sets and the anthem starts. Among the dead tributes are the pair from District 3, The girl from District 5, the girl from District 6, The boy from District 7, the boy from District 9, and the pair from District 10. I look away from the sky as the boy from District 10's face is shown.The anthem ends and the sky turns black again. "I'll take first watch," I announce, "Clove, can you take second?" She nods and I untie the rope. I set in carefully on the branch and crouch on one that isn't shielded by leaves. The moon is the only beacon in the dark night. I sigh and just watch the clouds pass over the moon, momentarily dimming the light. Just when I'm about to fall asleep, I rouse Clove. Without saying a word, I spread out my sleeping bag, slide in, rope myself to the branch, and fall asleep. I hope she knows it's her turn to take watch.

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