Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Rose and Key.

    I stagger out of bed so I can open the door and scream at whoever has woken me up at this ungodly hour. I fling open the door, and look who's grinning at me. It's none other than the most optimistic lady in the world, Fifi Coogle. I wish she wasn't my escort. I wish I had a normal person as an escort. She squeals and starts talking in rapid-fire motion. I wonder how hard I would have to pull to wrench every single purple hair out of her annoying mint-green head. I put the thought out of my mind, because it was disturbing and I really don't want to lose my appetite even before breakfast. I've got a long day of interview training ahead of me.

     I walk to the dining room with Fifi at my heels, talking about what we'll be doing first. I fill my table at the buffet with slices of light green melon, a bowl of fresh berries, some pork, and fried potatoes. I sit down at the table and dig in. "Jonette? Are you even listening?" Fifi howls. I grumble some profane words under my breath and finish chewing the last of my food. "I'm sorry, Fifi, could you please repeat the last ten minutes of our 'conversation'?" I ask, sounding sweet and innocent. Fifi glares at me. I've never seen her so...Well, not cheery. "Never mind that. Let's get going." She says, and she stands up, and starts walking away, obviously not in the mood to wait for me.

     We walk together down the clean white halls and reach a door. Fifi presses a small red button right beside it and the door slides upward, to reveal a blank white room with two chairs, a hanger with a dress on it, and a pair of ghastly high heels. "Alright girlie, time to change." Fifi trills, being her normal, annoyingly cheery self again. Wonderful. I change into the full length dress, which is obviously not the one I'll actually be wearing at the interview, and reluctantly slide on the high heels. "Walk like this." Fifi instructs. She does a cute little walk, bouncy and optimistic, and I try to copy as well as I can, but after seven tries, Fifi gets impatient. "Legs crossed at each step!" She howls.

"Shut up!" I snap.

"I'm trying to help you! You'll never get sponsors if you don't act like a lady!" She insists.

"Well you're not doing a good job! I still walk like a drunken monkey!" I snap.

"How dare you!" Fifi gasps.

"You're so annoying!" I shout.

"Take that back!" Fifi cries.

"You can't make me, you purple headed FREAK!" I screech.

     At this point Fifi actually screams in rage and storms off. Even while she's gone I practice walking and such. I sit on the chair, legs together, hands on my lap, it seems more ladylike that anything else, really. Fifi would probably criticize me anyways. What's up with her today? She seems all stressed and angry. The door suddenly slides open and Fifi walks in, not seeming as angry as before. "I hope you're happy." She sniffles. I frown.

"Can we keep practicing?" I ask.

"No. It's lunchtime already. Let's go." Fifi says. We walk to the dining room together. I pick at my food until Cecelia finishes. "Alright, honey.  We should get going. It takes a long time to get a really good image that fits you and your personality." My mentor says with a small smile. I wonder how someone so nice could possibly have been in the arena and actually...Lived. Won. Survived.

     Me and Cecelia sit on chairs facing each other, overlooking a skyline that beautiful even in the daytime. Cecelia leans forward and smiles. "I've already got an idea for your image." She says softly. I raise an eyebrow, asking her to tell me that idea without me even uttering a single word. "Sly. Intelligent, clever, cunning. Someone that's not too much of a threat, but must be taken seriously and never be ignored." She explains. I like the idea of that. I nod and smile. "Alright. I'm going to pretend to be Caesar Flickerman and I'll ask you some questions. You're going to answer the way that fits your image. Alright?" Cecelia asks. I nod. She clears her throat and asks the first question. "Alright, Jonette. How did you feel when Fifi Coogle pulled your name out of the bowl?" She asks. I gulp. I'm not ready for this. Lie. Lie. Lie. I smile slightly. "It was a bit of a shock, I'll admit that." I drawl. Cecelia nods approvingly. "I see. So, what do you think of the Capitol?" She asks. I hesitate.

"Well, it's certainly nice here. It's so...Bright. I feel as if the luxury here is a perfect introduction to the world of the Games." I say.

"I couldn't have said it better. So, do you think you stand a chance?" Cecelia asks.

"I think I do. Not a big chance, but not a terribly miniscule chance either." I say.

"Alright, just one more question before you leave. Do you think you're prepared?" She asks.

I cock my head to the side slightly and smile. "Yes. I think I'm ready for the arena."

And that's the biggest lie I've ever told.

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