Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Rose and Key.

     I groan as my door flies open. I forgot to lock it and Fifi, the annoying woman she is, has taken advantage of that. "Get up, darling! Last day of training before it's time to show the Gamemakers your amazing skills!" She coos, running to me as fast as she can in her high heels. She shakes my shoulder and I get out of bed. "Go so I can get changed." I grumble. She pouts but scampers off. I get dressed in the training outfit and pull my hair up into a ponytail. I walk out and see Fifi grinning at me. She guides me to Brian's room and we head to the Training Center. I spot Clove talking to her District partner and we lock eyes for a moment. She looks away and keeps talking to Mason, or at least I think that's what the boy's name is. I walk to the knots station and tie a few. It's easy, considering I've tied hundreds of knots in my life, being from District 8 and all. I put down a Devil's Tongue knot and start on another one. I look around at the competition I'll be facing. The pairs from 12 and 4 are both at the archery station. They appear to be talking. I frown but put my interest back to my knots. After tying around ten more, I stand up and walk to the knives station with Clove. She hits the dummy's heart every time. "Wow. You're really good at this." I tell her. She smiles but says nothing. After a while of failing horribly at throwing knives, I walk to the archery station, like I did yesterday. I just want to overhear Districts 12 and 4. Maybe they have some strategy, and I can see if I can avoid being murdered by them. They chatter and talk, and they don't seem to be formulating a strategy or plan at all. I stand up and walk over to the camouflage station, wanting to clear my mind. I look back once and see the girl from District 4 kissing the cheek of the boy from District 12. Weird. Usually tributes only ever get romantic with their District partners. That is, if they get romantic at all. They giggle loudly and Clove approaches them and shouts at them to be quiet. I smile and look down before anyone notices.

     I paint my hand into a leafy ditch and smile, proud of my work. I start painting my forearm in. I look over at the archery station, out of curiosity, and I see the girl from District 4, aiming an arrow at the dummy. Meh. I keep painting my arm. I hear a scream of pain and I drop my paintbrush. I stand bolt upright and see Clove on the ground, a silver arrow sprouting out of her right shoulder. A silver arrow, like the girl from District 4 shoots. I look at her and see her holding an empty bow. It was her. What the hell is wrong with her?  Mason runs to Clove and I do the same. I kneel by her and look at the arrow. Why would that stupid girl shoot someone because she yelled at them? I glare at the girl and she looks innocent. I run over to her and before I can punch her in her ugly mouth, two Peacekeepers grab my arms. I struggle and kick, but they don't let go. "SHE SHOT HER! TURN HER INTO AN AVOX! SHE DESERVES IT!" I shout, glaring daggers at the girl. Mason stands up and shouts every foul word I know, and even some I don't know. Maybe I could use those sometime...? The boy from District 4 appears to be scolding the girl tribute. "I didn't mean to! I was aiming at the wall!" She claims. "I know, I believe you, Zanna." The boy says. "Thanks, Ren." Zanna murmurs. "LIAR! YOU'RE A LIAR!" I scream. The Peacekeepers drag me away to the camouflage section and tell me to keep painting. Clove is whisked away to the infirmary, where Capitol surgeons will fix her wound. I grumble a few bad words at the Peacekeepers and keep painting my arm. The girl, Zanna, claims it was an accident. Yeah right. I walk over to the knives station, which is right beside the archery station, and pretend to throw a knife at the dummy. I take a few deep breaths, aim my knife just right, and throw it. It whizzes past Zanna's head, but it takes a large chunk of her hair with it. The dummy sticks in an archery target and the girl from District 4 feels her new haircut. She glares at me, and for I minute I think she's going to shoot an arrow at me, but she turns away and shoots another dummy. That's a bit of a relief.

     I sit in a fake tree in the training center, watching the stupid girl that shot my ally for no reason at all attempting to tie a Devil's Tongue knot. She appears to enjoy the company of the boy from her District. Ren. That's his name. I remember seeing them at the Opening Ceremony. I look at the pair from District 12. I forgot about them before. I remember watching the recaps of the Reaping. Rose. Rose is her name, and Wilson is the boy's name. They seem to be okay, but it looks like they're allies with Zanna and Ren. I glower at them but turn away when Rose, the girl, glances in my direction. I scratch the bark of the fake tree I am sitting in and sigh. I jump down and walk to the only station I haven't been to. The crossbow station. It's right beside, and I do mean right beside, the archery station. I aim a crossbow at the dummy and shoot it. It lands right on the target. I shoot a few more and receive the same results. I smile. Looks like I've found my special skill.

     After a few more hours of switching stations and practicing everything from climbing to making fires, the same voice from yesterday announces dinner. I walk with my team to the Remake Center, where we are staying, and go to the dining room on our floor. I load my plate with lamb chops, carrots, mashed potatoes, and some greenish brown soup. After only twenty minutes or so, I am so stuffed I can't eat another bite. The food here is so rich. I stand up and smile at everyone. "I'm going to my room." I announce, and with that I turn away, walk briskly to my room, and lock the door behind me. I undress and step into the shower. I turn the water onto warm and let the water fall. It's really quite soothing. After several minutes of this, I dress in black pants and a gray shirt. I climb into the bed and think one thing before I fall asleep: Tomorrow, I get my score, tomorrow, I get sponsors. Don't you mess this up, Jonette. Sleep tight and do well tomorrow.

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