Chapter 43

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The morning of the wedding dawned slightly overcast, but Louise didn't care. "You know," She said, as Laura styled her hair. "If it stays overcast like this, the pictures will turn out great. And if it full on rains, that's good luck, right?" Laura laughed and pinned a curl into place.

"You always were such an optimist." Laura smiled, holding the veil in place and admiring the affect. Laura finished Louise's hair and makeup and then helped her into the dress.

Louise looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. The gown had a sweetheart neckline and a mermaid silhouette. The bodice hugged her curves. There were sapphire crystals along the neckline and scattered across the bodice and ruffled skirt like stars. She pulled on a white jacket to cover her shoulders and Laura fastened the birdcage veil into Louise's hair.

Just as Louise was adjusting the veil, there was another knock on the door. Laura opened the door and found Clint standing in the hallway. He let out a low whistle. "You look amazing, Louise. Everyone's ready downstairs. How 'bout you?" Louise smiled broadly and accepted her bouquet from Laura.

Clint led them downstairs. The venue for the wedding was the garden, by the wounded tree. Louise stood by the door, taking deep breaths. Steve smiled at Louise and took Laura's arm and led her down the aisle. Clint took Louise's arm and squeezed it gently. "Ready?" Louise nodded and he led her down towards Bucky. Louise's heart skipped a beat as she saw her soon-to-be husband. He'd cut his hair short, but left his facial hair. With his crisp, dark suit, Bucky looked like he'd just stepped from the pages of a wedding magazine.

With satisfaction, Louise saw Bucky's jaw drop slightly. Then he smiled broadly and drew himself up to his full height. Clint kissed Louise's cheek and smiled at Bucky as he took her hand. "You look amazing, Chéri." Louise whispered as she took her position facing Bucky, he laughed.

"So, do you." Bucky agreed. The officiant started the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join in the marriage of James Buchannan Barnes to Louise Elise Brandt. If there be any who have any reason these two should not be bound in holy matrimony, let him speak now or forever hold his peace." After a short pause, he began again, "The bride and groom have prepared their own vows. Bucky, will you proceed?"

Bucky gently squeezed Louise's hands and smiled at her. "Louise, I have spent more of my life than I care to remember not sure of who I am and doing things I'm not proud of. But with you I see a man I can be. I see a man I want to be. Not necessarily free of everything I've done, but able to move past it." He smiled a little more and looked right into her eyes. "Louise, you have brought me out of the winter of my existence and into the spring. With you my life is warm and full of hope and life. I vow to spend the rest of my life with you and to help you feel the warmth of the sun, too. I love you."

Louise pulled her hand free to wipe her tears away. "Louise," The officiant said, "Would you care to share your vows."

"First off, I'd like to thank Laura for making me memorise them, because I wouldn't be able to read them right now." Everyone laughed politely, she cleared her throat a little, "Bucky, when I announced that we would be married, well, let's just say it was not a popular announcement. But I didn't care. I still don't. I have seen your heart, and it speaks to my heart. I have seen the man you are and I love you. I vow to be your saviour as you have been mine, to see you for who you are as you have seen me for who I am, and to love you as you have loved me."

Behind Bucky, Steve was making a valiant effort not to cry like a baby, and not succeeding very well. Bucky's eyes glittered with tears and he smiled at her. The officiant cleared his throat and continued. "So, do you, James Buchannan Barnes, take Louise to be your lawfully wedded wife from this day forth until death do you part?"

With a broad grin and shining eyes Bucky replied with a confident "I do."

"And do you, Louise Elise Brandt, take Bucky to be your lawfully wedded husband from this day forth until death do you part?"

Smiling through her tears, Louise nodded and said "I do."

"Then, by the power vested on me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Bucky, you may kiss your bride." To tumultuous applause, Bucky kissed Louise and sealed their marriage.

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