"Post Post Credit" Scene

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Bucky lay in bed, watching the Wakandan stars go through their paces. The window was open, letting a cool evening breeze waft through the room, relieving the oppressive heat of the day. He tossed the covers aside and got out of bed. 

The cottage he lived in was small, just a bedroom and a multipurpose front room. Some nights he would say the house was too small. On the nights like this, when he felt restless. Bucky paused at the door and then, with a glance back towards the bedroom, he moved out into the yard. Once outside, Bucky felt better. He stood with his back to the house and facing out toward the palace.

T'Challa had been kind enough to offer this small building after the wedding. Bucky grimaced as he thought back to that day. Simultaneously the best and worst day of his life. And considering his past, Bucky thought it was indeed saying something that he thought his wedding day was the worst day of his life. He clenched his jaw as he thought of Louise laying in his arms bleeding. Bucky groaned softly and shook his head, trying to shake the memory from his head. That memory was followed by a more satisfying one of the day Steve, Clint and T'Challa had caught up with Brandt and brought him back to the palace. Despite Bucky's eagerness to hunt down that wretched man, Steve had convinced Bucky to stay behind. Steve had reminded Bucky that he had more important things to attend to than a vendetta against his father-in-law. 

Suddenly, he felt slender arms wrap around his waist and a cheek press against his back. "I didn't mean to wake you." Bucky murmured, pressing his right hand over her hands. Feeling her was still almost dream-like, too good to be true.

"You didn't," she promised. Bucky twisted in her arms. He gently took her face in his hands and kissed her. Louise smiled up at her husband. "A penny for your thought's, Chéri."

"What else do I think about these days?" Bucky asked, stroking her cheek. "Always you, Louise." 

                                                                                     THE END (For real)

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