Chapter Thirty-Two

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One month later

Destiny POV

“Louis, just hurry up and pick a tree!” I yelled getting frustrated with my fiancé.

“I’m coming love! We need the perfect tree. It’s our first Christmas together, with our families. It has to be perfect.” He kissed my shoulder and wheeled the twins away with him.

Louis came home earlier today, and the twins were so excited. I brought them to the airport with me. Bentley literally cried until I let Louis hold him. Ryan just got really hyper and made his dad carry him. If he would try to put them down, they would scream and yell.

It was really sweet. Louis like literally attacked my face when he saw me. Not that I have any complaints. He was so sweet and I just missed him so much. I’m sure the paparazzi got a few racy photos. Once we got home we were going Christmas tree shopping. Louis wanted me to wait till he was home to get the tree, decorate the house, and everything Christmas. Bake cookies and drink eggnog. So here we were on December 20 looking for a Christmas tree.

“Louis, all the freaking good one are taken. Let’s buy a fake one.” I groaned. I was four months pregnant, and I just want to sit home and let Louis massage my swollen feet. That all I want in life.

“No, we’re getting a real tree.”

“Please let’s just get a fake one and then make it as pretty as you want.”

“Look I found a real tree.” This tree was big and full. I’m surprised nobody bought it. Louis went to go buy it while I sat on the bench watching the twins. They were bundled up in a bunch of clothing. They looked like adorable little panda bears.

I love them so much, and I can’t wait for our little addition to join us. I know exactly what we’re going to have, and I’m very excited. Louis doesn’t know but I found out two weeks ago. He’s been begging me for ages, but I’m not telling. I have to come up with a special way to tell him.

All my hesitations about becoming a mother vanished. I think I was most nervous about having to do this all on my own again. Now, I know Louis is way more involved than I ever thought. I thought with him being on tour and the distance he wouldn’t be here for my pregnancy.

When he was on tour, he would ask for daily updates, sonogram pictures, and he would sing to me and the baby every night. He would make the time to call me everyday, four times a day. He would come up with names and I would love them or hate them. So far if we have a girl we would name her Katherine Mia Tomlinson and if we had a boy we would name him Gabriel Noah Tomlinson.

Louis came over and helped me up. He kissed my cheek and I watched him struggle to tie the tree on top of the Range Rover. I buckled in the kids into the car seat. Louis finally got back into the car, and we were going back home. We got decorations earlier. Now we have to hang up stocking, bake cookies, and eat.

I have been eating my body weight every day. I’ve gained 6 pounds and I’m so bloated. I feel disgusted but happy. Pregnancy is a tough road, but the gift at the end is priceless.

“So, babe I was thinking we should like go see the house tomorrow. See how everything’s turning out. Ryan and Bentley could stay with Perrie since we’ll have to drive to London. Then we could celebrate your birthday with everyone if you like.”

“I just want to spend my time with you. And our boys. Our little family.” I murmured. He smiled and held on to my hand.

“It’ll soon be huge with our little edition.”

He parked the car, and helped me get down. He wouldn’t let me get the kids and basically made sure I wasn’t carrying anything. As much as it was funny to see Louis tie the tree on the top of the car, it was funnier trying to see him fit it thought the doorway. The tree was too big. Paparazzi were following us, and I knew Louis was aggravated when he saw the black vans across the street.

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