Chapter Thirty-Four

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2 months later

Destiny POV

“Daddy will be here soon. Ryan, sit down now!” I said quietly to my very happy baby boy.

“No, Mama!” He yelled as he continued to crawl around my chair. I sighed and picked him up from the floor.

“You’re just a handful aren’t you?” I said, quietly to myself. He flash me a smile with his little baby teeth.

I sat in one of the waiting chairs, and sighed as I waited for my fiancé to pick us up. He’s running late, and hasn’t bothered to call. Being six months pregnant, in an airport, with two 15 month babies and there nanny isn’t easy. Sunny, Louis and I new puppy, was also here. Bentley was cuddled up to him, and Sunny was licking his face.

“Babe, I’m so so sorry I’m late. The police pulled me over since I was trying to call you. That’s illegal here. And then traffic is horrible. I’m so sorry. I missed you.” Louis said running towards us. He took Ryan off my lap, and hugged his baby boy.

“It’s fine. It’s ok.” I started to push the cart that had all of out luggage.

“No I got it.” He put the twins in there stroller, and Delilah took it from him. He soon took my luggage and we walked towards a special exit, they had set up for us, since Perrie and Little mix we’re also coming. Jenna and Toby got here last night, and Danielle and Tyler, her and Liam’s son, got here two days ago. Elena got here one day ago.

He put the things in the car, and we were headed towards the hotel. Since everyone was visiting, all the boys got there own suite and since we have the biggest accommodations we got the Penthouse suite. The drive to the hotel took around 35 minutes and so the kids were dozing off in their car seats. Delilah and I took one each as Louis put our entire luggage in the cart.

We went to the front desk to get two more cards for the room, and there was a mob of fans in the lobby. Ryan started to cry, as there screams were extremely loud. I took him out and that caused more screams. Bentley looked at his brother crying, and Bentley put his hands over his ears. The screaming lowered, and Ryan calmed down. He looked at Bentley and gave him a smile. My children are the most adorable in the world.

“Thank you.” Ryan said, in his adorable little voice. They didn’t hear him, but Louis did and kissed Ryan’s forehead. He tapped on his cheek, and Ryan kissed it. Louis waved to his fans, and we started boarding the elevator.

“Thank you.” She went off into her room, and Louis helped me to our room. It was an average size bedroom, with two basinets in the corner for the boys to sleep in. What was really spectacular was the balcony view. The balcony door was baby-proofed, make my heart settle a little easier. But that view was just stunning. It was like all of New York, as cheesy as that sounds.

“Come here.” Louis groaned, and I smiled before giving him a hug.

“How’s Kate?”

“She’s growing. I mean that’s all we can hope for.” When I went for a doctor’s visit a month ago, Katherine was smaller than she should be for a 5 month fetus. Then they wanted to check me up again and she still hasn’t grown. They were worried that’s she’s not getting the proper nutrients that she should be so right before this flight, I had an appointment. She grew just a tiny bit, but it was better than nothing. Right now, I’m supposed to eat a lot of healthy food and always snack on things. Snacking on things isn’t a problem, but eating healthy is harder. I like some sweet things.

“Sunny is probably running around somewhere. How is he going to pee when were on the penthouse?” I murmured. Louis placed his hands on my belly, and hummed happily.

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