The Date

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"Oh god! You stupid alarm clock!" I hit the alarm clock with all the strength I had. It was on my night lamp so I almost fell from by bed.

I went straight to the shower. It took me 20 minuntes to wash away all the embarrassment of yesterday and to be comfortably me again. I just put on a plain pink oversized T-Shirt and a sweatpant. I peeped through Levi's door before going downstairs. He wasn't there. Maybe he was up early.

Dad was sitting on the couch reading newspaper and drinking coffee in his favorite brown cup. He wasn't home when we came back last night, maybe he didn't sleep too well.

"Long night?" Dad asked as he saw me coming down the stairs.

"Yeah, we were out. What about you?" I sat down beside him, with my legs up and crossed.

"I was out too, office work." He didn't ask about us being out late or anything about yesterday, I bet he would have asked a hundred questions if he came before us.

"Can I ask you something Dad?" I was looking at him now.

"Yes dear."

"Why did you and mom got separated?" He put down the newspaper and turned to my side with a sigh.

"Look Nova..Me and your mom didn't agree on something. We wanted different things from life.She wanted to live her life in her own way." He was looking at something on the floor.

"So her idea of life didn't involve her own children?" I was angry now. We never talked about why she never came back or why she even left. I was in 10th grade when Dad came to my room one day. 'Nova, we are going out for sometime, pack your bags, your brother is waiting downstairs' He said. I wasn't aware of what was coming. I kept asking why Mom wasn't with us and he told me that they have been fighting and they both needed some distance to think about it. Mom wasn't home when we came back. Nor did she came back after a month. What came after 2 months were the divorce papers. None of us has contacted her since then.

"We were fighting Nova. It wasn't good for you kids."

"Where is she now?"

"I have no idea. She never called."

I was about to cry, so I turned away and took a deep breath. I am not a kid anymore, I grew to accept this change. The front door flung open and Levi entered with his messed up hair, wearing a dark blue hoodie and dark jeans with two bags in either of his hands.

"Chipotle anyone?"

The smile on his face is always so funny that it makes everyone in the room laugh. I have rarely seen him serious or angry, but those are the situations you would never like to be in.

I looked at Dad and he smiled at me. With his half upset and half happy smile. But I gave him a tight hug, and his incomplete happiness turned into his original, beautiful smile. Levi joined us too and we were in that position which felt like hours, which felt safe, and like home..


"You remember Martha from the party?" Levi said as he walked into my room. I was staring at the list of my published stories, each one of them with at least 1M reads. My fans are waiting for my story and I don't even know what I am supposed to write. It's been 3 months that I haven't written anything except a few blogs.

"You mean that lady who gave that job offer? Yeah I do." Levi introduced me to Martha, a middle aged woman at the party. I couldn't hear what she said partially because the music was so loud and partially because I was thinking about Evan. She asked about me doing CA, that if I would like to work as a trainee for a friend of hers. I said I would think about it but I didn't get the time for it.

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