Chapter 12- We need to talk.

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Her dark green eyes flickered between Shane and I. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun on the top of her head. Shadows were formed under her now narrowed eyes and her mouth was formed in a tight line. All together she just looked pissed off and tired.

I looked down at Shane, who did the same as me.

"Now would be a good time to put me down." I said quietly, letting my hands fall to his broad shoulders.

"You think!" He rolled his eyes, setting me gently on the ground. I stepped away from him, fixing my shirt, and turned towards my mom.

"Mommy, let me ex-"

"Sit" She said sternly, jolting her eyes in Shane's direction. "Both of you" She added making me and Shane bolt for the couch.

"Mom, don't be mad. I can-"

"What you can do is shut up and let me talk!" She snapped and I shut my mouth. 

My mom was someone who you would want to listen to. She is the type of person who if you piss her off she will make your life a living hell. I was always the good kid out of the family. My brother ; Max, was the rebel. He would always sneak out at night and go to parties. Lie to mom about where he was going and didn't put much effort into his school life. He also used to bring girls home and do god knows what with them in his room. My sister ; Ally, was the bad ass. She would come home with a different tattoo and piercing every week. She would were clothes that showed off way to much skin and dyed her hair a different color every month or so.  She slept around and did drugs. She died of lung cancer 2 years ago. My mom was always strict with me so I wouldn't end up like them, but she's probably not happy with what I'm doing now. 

Her eyes raked over me and then Shane, her eyebrows frowned together as she did. "What exactly where you guys doing? I thought this was suppose to be practicing?" She asked eyes shifting between the both of us.

"We were practicing, but we-" I croaked but she cut me off.

"Really? You were practicing? Because it looked like you guys were about to have sex on my wall." My mom cursed making me flinch in fear. 

I looked down at my feet, lost of words, and even if I wasn't I would be afraid to speak. 

"You." She began focusing her attention on Shane. He looked up with a smug look that I wanted to slap off his face.

"Yes." He said in a sing song voice, making her ball up her fist.

"She has a boyfriend and as her best friend you should respect that. I do not allow cheating in my family and I know my daughter better than to cheat. So next time don't force yoursel-"

"Force yourself?" Shane choked, looking at her like she was crazy. 

"Yes, force yourself on-"

"Look lady!" Shane interrupted, standing up off the couch. "It wasn't me who forced myself on your daughter. She was the one who wanted the kiss in the first place. All I did was kiss her like I was supposed to and then she pulled me against her. So don't try to act like she is innocent, because she's not innocent. She is not even remotely close to being innocent! My job is to please the ladies and I'm pretty sure that I did my job with her by the way she was moaning under my touch. You have a nice day now." He spat, slamming the front door on his way out.

I sat there with my eyes wide and mouth open as I stared at the now closed door. Shane's axe body spray still lingered in the air and his out burst was fresh on my mind. I forced myself to look at my mom, who was sitting there with the same expression. Her eyes found mine and they began to change color.

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