Chapter 35- Say something

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I ran around my room, desperately trying to find my dance bag, cruising at myself for misplacing it. I came to a sliding stop on the wood floor at my bathroom and darted in there opening and closing cabinets and checking in the shower.

"Where the hell are you?!" I asked to no one as I ran back in to my room and over to my closest, yanking the door open. I threw things out of the closet, making sure it wasn't the bag first, before looking up at the self. "Nothing!" I sighed and slam the door letting out a frustrated groan before running over to the side of the bed and checking under it. I moved things and pulled them out to check but not one of them was the bag.

I came back up right as my door was being open, reveling my brother eating a sandwich and looking down at his phone.

"Hey. Pre- What the hell!" He exclaimed and dropped his sandwich on the ground, covering his eyes. "Why aren't you dressed?!" I looked down at myself and widen my eyes to find myself still dressed in my underwear and bra  and sheer robe.

"Uh..W-why didn't you knock?!" I retorted closing the robe around me. He removed his hands once I gave him an okay and narrowed his eyes at me.

"When do I ever knock?" He asked making roll my eyes and continue to look for the bag.

"Well, this should teach you  to knock." I said digging through my laundry basket. "And I'm not dressed because I can't find my dance bag." I told him throwing clothes out of the basket.

"Oh, mom put it by the door." He informed making me snap my head at him.

"Excuse me?" I said in a relived but frustrated tone.

"She put it down by the do-"

"Move!" I cut him off shoving him out of the doorway and darted down the stairs and into living room. I smiled once I spotted my baby- I mean bag by the door and picked it up in a hug. "Oh have I missed you!" I smiled hugging the bag to my chest and snuggling into it.

I heard a low chuckle from behind me but shrugged it off and continued to cuddle my bag. "I don't you're even this happy to see me." Lyric's voice came from behind me.

"Holy shit!" I jumped in surprise and spun around to find him leaning against the door frame of the dining room, with a apple in his hand. "L-L-Lyric! Hey!" I coughed embarrassed about what he saw.

"Nice outfit." He smirked eyes running over me. I looked down and mentally died inside once I saw my robe was hanging open enough to show more than he needed to see. I quickly closed it with my hand and blushed.

"I..uh...haha..." I laughed nervously and backed up over to stairs. "'ll be right back!" I blushed and ran up the up stairs and back into the room. I slammed my door close and let out a embarrassed cry, but without any tears. "I'm such a fail." I sighed and proceeded to get dressed.


We walked in to the huge dance studio, filled with all different kinds of people, doing all different kinds of dances, only making my nerves grow more. I wiped my hands on my shorts, getting rid of sweat and looked up at Lyric, who looked not even a bit worried.

"Are you not nervous?" I asked as we came to a stop in a corner. He looked down at me and laughed setting his bag down on the floor.

"Why should I be? I know I am amazing at what I do and I have a beautiful and even more amazing partner. I know we are going to do a kick ass job so there is really no need for me to be nervous." He told me and I let out a shaky breath.

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