Chapter 36- All about us ♥

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"Shit...shit...shit...shit! You know what? Fuck you!" Max screamed at the tie hanging loosely from his collar. I looked up from my phone, which had the tumblr app opened, and laughed. He glared at me through the mirror and spat out a "Nothing is funny about this!"

"I strongly disagree." I laughed and stood from the seat, leaving my phone on the arm chair. "Here. Let me help." I walked over to him and arranged the tie on his neck, before proceeding to tie it. "You know yelling at isn't going to help,right?" I teased making him glare at me.

"This is so stupid! Why couldn't I just wore some jeans and a blazer over a v-neck or something? Why do I have to wear this stupid god damn tie and a tux?" He complained and I chuckled at him, slipping the tie through the loop I made.

"Because this is wedding and those require for you to get dressed up. And it is not even just a wedding but it is your wedding so stop complaining and be happy that you are getting to marry the woman you love." I told him and smiled at the finish tie. "There! All done!"

He turned towards the full body mirror and frowned, shifting the tie around. "Thanks." he muttered and reached over to the table where is grey beanie was laying. I noticed him reaching for it and slapped his hand away before he got. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" He cried bringing his hand to his chest in pain.

"You are not about to wear some ratty old beanie to your wedding." I snapped and snatched the beanie, before stuffing it into my bag. He gave a groan and flopped down on the couch that was set up in the dressing room.

"This is not fair!" He whined and I rolled my eyes. "Amber better be lucky I love her."

I laughed and took a seat back in the chair I was in. "You better be lucky Amber puts up with your ass."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm the lucky one here." He smiled staring up at the ceiling. "Hey, El?" He asked looking over at me.


"Do you like Amber?" He asked turning on his side. I gave him a weird look before shrugging.

"She is pretty chill. I mean she could be a little less peppy and happy all the time, but other than that I like her. But I still find it weird she knows Lyric." I voiced.

He gave a small nod before carrying on to a knew topic. "Have you heard from pretty boy?" I let out a sigh and shook my head no before grabbing my phone to see if he texted.

"As of today it has been almost a week since we have talked. The last thing he said was good night, doll and that was the day of the audition." I told him and sat my phone back down. "But it's fine. He probably just needs a break to think about things and I need one too, so maybe this is a good thing. I can have a break from both boys." I added and that made Max sit up.

"Yeah about the other boy. You see I-"

"Ms. Ella." One of the workers interrupted, poking his head through the door. I looked over at him and smiled. "Your mother is asking for you." He added.

I gave a small nod and stood from the chair, taking my phone with me. "I'll be right back." I told Max before rushing out the room. I walked down the long hallway that was filled with all different kinds of amazing paintings and statues before turning into the service hall.

I stopped walking in awe as I looked at the room in front of me, my mouth falling open in amazement. The room was dressed in chandeliers with beautifully done baskets of purple and white flowers hanging from them, along with black ribbon running across the ceiling. There were about 50 white chairs with purple ribbon tied in a bow around the back of them set up on each side of a silk red carpet that ran down the middle of the room. There was a alter with vines of purple and white flowers and a curtain of black, sparkly, silk fabric hanging behind it. It was so beautiful that it had me in tears.

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