Chapter 21- I'm sorry.

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"What? No more Ello gorgeous?" I asked with an raised eye brow.

"Well I didn't want to lie to you. You aren't looking the best right now." Jared teased pushing himself off the door frame.

"Awe! Thank you!" I said sarcastically, but still had a smile formed on my face. He gave a small chuckle, stepping the rest of the way into the room, and shutting the door behind him.

"How have you been? Like dealing with...everything?" He asked hesitating at the last part and I knew he was talking about Rachel.

"I've seen better days." I shrugged as he pulled a chair next to the bed. "I mean its hard to think about and deal with but I'm fighting through it." I added messing with the blanket.

"I'm so sorry this happen to you, Ella." He cooed taking my hands in his. I gave him a weak smile as tears formed in my eyes.

"I-I kind of wish people would stop saying that."

"Stop saying what?"

"I'm sorry or I'm sorry this happen to you, because it doesn't matter how I feel right now. A mother and father lost their child but everyone is so worried about me to see how they are doing. They are the ones who need people the most right now, not me. If I could just change places with Rache-"

"You don't mean that, Ella."

"I do mean it! I wish it was me not her. She was a way better person than I was. I strung along three guys. I was a slut and all she did was try to be a good friend. Now she is dead and here I am probably stringing along another victim. It should have been her who was rescued. It should have been her still living her life. Not this mess." I cried gesturing to myself.

"Hey..." Jared said forcefully, turning me towards him. "You are not a slut. Yeah, you strung three maybe four guys along because you didn't know who you loved, but you figured it out, didn't you? And just because that happen doesn't mean you need to be dead. Everyone has bad days and those just so happened to be yours. I know you are worried about the Morgans and I know you miss her but you can't think that way. Even if it was you people would still be hurt, someone would still have lost a child, and I would have lost a friend that I can't stand to lose." He said softy, wiping away fallen tears.


"No buts! You have people that love you Ella and so did she but either of you trading places isn't going to fix anything. She wouldn't want you to be thinking like this, would she?" He asked and I shook my head 'no.' "Exactly. Now stop those tears and put on that amazing smile that I love." He said making a small smile form on my lips. "There it is. That's the smile." He smiled tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Why did you come to see me? I mean after what I did why would you want to?" I whispered looking down at his shirt.

"Because you were still a friend before we dated and I didn't think that one bad break up should end our friendship." He confessed making look up at him with a smile.

"I couldn't agree more!" I smiled pulling him into a friendly embrace. He chuckled and hugged me back. "I didn't know how much I missed you until right now." I sighed snuggling into his shoulder.

"Same." He agreed hugging me tighter. I sighed in contentment as I realized I had my friend back. There was a small knock at the door and We both pulled away hesitantly.

"Come in!" I called out hoping it was either Shane or Shane with food.

"Hi! Ella I have some news for you." Dr. Wills chimed stepping into the room. I gave a sigh of disappointment but force a smile.

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