Chapter 19- Slipped from life.

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"Mr. Mills, there is a chance she might not wa-"

"No! She has to wake up! She can't die on me! She will wake up!"

"Mr Mills, I understand that you're stressed out right now, but you have to take it to consideration that, she might not make it. The force that was inflicted on her from the accident caused brain damage. It might be slight but it is still fatal. We're doing all we can to make sure that, she lives, but you need to be prepared for the worse."

After that I heard the door close and something shatter. I flinched at the sound and slowly fluttered my eyes open.

I was hooked up to multiple machines and laying on uncomfortable hospital bed. Small patches of sunlight peaked through the blinds and danced across the cream colored walls of the hospital room. There were about a dozen vases of flowers, sitting on the two side tables next to my bed.

Then there was Shane. He was sitting in the chair next to the window, with his hands pushing back his hair. His whole body was shaking, with sobs and the tears from his eyes were falling, to the floor. My heart broke at the sight of him like this.

"Shane." I croaked out, my throat burning as I did. Shane chuckled angrily, shaking his head.

"Great! Now I'm hearing her voice!" He said sarcastically, in between sobs.

"Shane...look at me." I called out louder. This time he looked at me, with bloodshot eyes and tears rolling down his face, making my heart ache.

"Ella?" His now raspy voice, filled with confusion. I gave a small nod, before slowly opening my arms for him to hug me, ignoring all the pain that went through my body.

With three long strides, Shane was in my arms and crying happily in my neck. I laid my head on his, as I tried to keep in the yelp of pain I wanted to let out. My whole body was screaming in pain, but it didn't matter to me, because I was just happy to know that, Shane was going to be okay. Shane pulled back, to look at me.

"Baby, you don't know how scared I was of the thought of losing you. They kept telling me that you weren't going to wake up and I needed to be prepared for worse, but...I...just..." He trailed off, into sobs.

"Hey, I'm here aren't I? I'm not going anywhere, babe. You're stuck with me, alright?" I cooed, using my thumbs to wipe his tears.

Without a response, Shane connected his lips to mine kissing me passionately and eagerly. I cupped his face kissing back instantly, as the butterflies filled my stomach. Our lips moved in sync in that same passionate fashion that I fall in love with every time we kiss. It's like the whole world suddenly disappears and it's only me and him, as one.

"Don't you dare leave me like that again! You understand me?" Shane said sternly, with a smile plastered on his face.

"Yes sir!" I giggled, but cried out in pain soon afterwards, as shooting pain went to my left side. Shane's face filled with concerned and worry as his eyes raked over my body looking for the problem.

"What hurts baby?" Shane asked, voice filled with concern.

"My left side, but I'm okay now." I said in a reassuring voice, before letting the question that has been on my mind since I woke up slip from my mouth. "Shane, why am I in the hospital?"

As soon as my words slipped from my mouth, Shane's face fell. He averted his gaze to the ground, before letting out a long sigh.

"You and Rachel got into a car crash, Ella and you are badly hurt. A piece of glass plunged into your side and one of your ribs is piercing a main organ, which caused  you to have internal bleeding but the doctor took care of it right a way. The only thing to worry about is getting some motor skills back and healing your ribs." Shane explained, his voice filled with pain.

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