Chapter 18- Starbucks coffee

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"Ella, you came!!" Rachel exclaimed, throwing her arms around me in a hug, as soon as I walked into the Starbucks. I laughed and returned the hug.

"You didn't think I would come?" I asked, pulling away from her.

"Honestly no, because I thought you were still mad at me for the way I acted in the store and how I treated you with Kayla." She confessed, scratching the back of her neck nervously.

"It's in the past! We both acted stupid and I'm the one that should be saying sorry, because of what I said to you while we were arguing." I replied as the guilt washed over me.

"Like you said it's in the past!" She smiled with a shrug. I returned the smile, before pulling her up to the order station.

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks! What I can get you today?" The worker asked with a friendly smile.

"Hmm..." Rachel hummed scanning over the menu. "I'll have the Strawberries and Crème Frappuccino." She ordered with a smile.  The worker nodded, while pressing buttons on the cash register, before looking over at me, awaiting my answer.

"I'll have the Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino." I answered with a small smile.

"Alrighty! Is that all I can get you today?" The worker asked glancing between us. We both nodded simultaneously. "Your total is $8.33.  And can I get your names for the order please?"

I reached into my bag to grab my wallet, but Rachel stopped me from going in there. I looked at her with a confused look.

"I'm paying for this one." She said with a smile before handing the money to the worker. "Our names are Ella and Rachel." She said before pulling me to the side, to let the other people behind us make their order.

"You didn't have to pay for it. I have money." I stated once we were by the place we wait for drinks.

"It's my treat, don't worry about it" She informed me. I nodded, focusing my attention to the counter where we were standing by.

"Rachel and Ella!"A guy with shaggy black hair that barely covered his eyes, which were a mint green color, called out. He had chiseled features and a dazzling smile.

"That would be us!" Rachel called taking the cups from his hands. His eyes locked with mine, before slowly traveling down my body.

"You two have a nice day!" He smiled--mainly at me "Especially you beautiful." He winked over at me.

"Oh, I definitely will. With my boyfriend." I retorted before pulling Rachel to the exit.

"Have a nice day!" She got out right as I pulled her out the door. We went to an outside table and took a seat across from each other. "Why were you so harsh to that guy?"

"So, you know how some guys have that cocky attitude, right? And they act like they can get any girl they want with just the flick of their wrist." I asked, and she gave me a small nod in return. "Well, he was one of those guys and I hate douche bags like that. So I'm not going to give him the time of day." I added before taking a sip of my drink.

"You do know you're dating one of those so called 'douche bags', right?" She replied using air quotations around the word douche bags.

"Used to be one. He's not one anymore." I pointed out with a small smirk.

"Still he used to be one and you're dating him."

"Yeah, but I wasn't dating him when he was one."

"Hypocrite." She smirked, sipping on her drink.

"I am not!" I gasped, flinging some of the whip cream off my drink at her. I laughed as her eyes widen once the whip cream landed on her nose perfectly.

"You did not just do that!" She laughed loudly, while trying to glare at me.

"Oh, I think I just did!" I said in between giggles. I let out a gasp in surprise as something cold came into contact with my face. I looked over at Rachel,  who was laughing hysterically, with the remaining whip cream on her fingers.

"And I just did that!" Rachel exclaimed sticking her tongue out at me.

"I know two girls are not throwing whip cream at each other and did not think to invite me! That's not okay!" Rain's voice filled my ears,  making me snap my head in the direction that it was coming from.

Rain was standing behind the fence that separated the sidewalk and the store from each other. A girl with shoulder length jet black hair, and big brown beautiful eyes was standing right next to him

"Rain? What are you doing here?" I exclaimed, standing up from my seat, before wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

"Damn! A guy can't take a stroll downtown without being questioned!" Rain chuckled while returning the hug.  I giggled before pulling away from him.

"I mean it's great to see you and..." I trailed off focusing my eyes on the girls standing next to him.

She was medium height with a hourglass figure. Along with the shoulder length jet black hair, and big brown beautiful eyes, she had a small button nose covered in freckles, and heart shaped lips. Like Rain, she had multiple piercings on her face, but I could only see one tattoo on her left shoulder. She was exotic looking but beautiful,  just like him.

"Oh right!" Rain exclaimed noticing me looking over at her. "This beautiful, amazing, love of my life, creature is Brandi; my girlfriend." Rain smiled making Brandi blush.

"You make me sound like I'm the best thing in the world, which I'm not!" Brandi giggled, blowing some hair out of her face.

"You are way too modest, my love!" Rain chuckled before capturing her lips in a small kiss. "But I love you for it!" He added with a soft smile.

"You guys are too fucking cute!" I gushed staring at the couple in awe.

"Oh no we're not!!" Brandi blushed waving off the comment.  My jaw dropped as I gawked at her in disbelief.

"Don't you think they are the cutest thing ever?" I asked Rachel giving her the 'say yes' look.

"Oh totally!" Rachel said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. I gave her a look of confusion before turning back to Rain and Brandi.

"Anyways!" Rain exaggerated completely ignoring Rachel's comment. "Brandi this is Ella! Ella this is Brandi!" Rain introduced as me and Brandi shook hands.

"Ahem!" Rachel coughed exaggerating it.

"And that horrid thing over there is Rachel." Rain said and  in boredom. Rachel scoffed behind me and I heard the screeching of her chair being pushed back.

"I know you did not just call me a horrid thing when you're the one who left me for this slu-" Rachel snap walking over to the fence.

"Anyways it was nice to see you, Ella, but I'm going to leave now! Come on babe!" Rain waved goodbye for pulling Brandi down the street.

"Coward!" Rachel called out at them before storming back over to the table as I waved goodbye.

"What was that about?" I asked Rachel once I was back at the table.

"Nothing to worry about. Just some bad history that's all." She answered with a shrug before sliding on her jacket. "Want to go to the beach?" She asked changing the subject.

I sighed, but nodded my head in agreement. "Sure we can stop by my house to change. I can lend you one of my bikinis to swim in." I said leading her to my car.

We both hopped into my convertible. and I backed out of the Starbucks parking lot. We drove for a while in silence, but instead of it being comfortable and nice like the silence I have with Shane, it was awkward.

"I know something that we can do to make this less awkward." Rachel said breaking the silence and plugged up her phone to my car radio. A few seconds later the song "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake filled the car, causing a smile to form on my face as memories of 9th grade filled my head.

"I'm bringing sexy back. Them other boys don't know how to act!" Rachel sang along dancing around in a seat like she used to back in 9th grade.

"I think it's special, what's behind your back? So turn around and I'll pick up the slack!" I sang bobbing my head to the music.

"Take it to bridge!" Rachel mocked the guys voice, making me throw my head back in laughter.

"Dirty babe, you see these shackles! Baby I'm your slave I'll let you whip me if I misbehave! It's just that no one makes me feel this way." I sang body rolling in the seat, making Rachel laugh uncontrollably.

"Take it to the chorus!" Rachel laughed.

"Come here girl, go ahead be gone with it! Come to the back, go ahead be gone with it VIP, go ahead be gone with it! Drinks on me, go ahead be gone with it! Let me see what your twerkin' with, go ahead be gone with it! Look at those hips, go ahead be gone with it
You make me smile, go ahead be gone with it! Go 'head child, go ahead be gone wi-"

"Ella look out!!!" Rachel screeched looking out my window.

I looked over just as the semi truck crashed into my side of the car. My head slammed into the steering wheel as I lost complete control of my car. The car spun uncontrollably out into traffic, when another car crashed in Rachel side, causing us to flip.

I yelled out in pain as a piece of glass plunged into my left side. I close my eyes to avoid pieces of glass getting into them as the car continue to flip. I heard police sirens in the background and the smell of smoke filled my nose once the car came to a stop.

I turn my head in the direction Rachel was sitting at and found her hanging half out the window. I reached my hand out to touch her, but brought it back down once a shooting pain went through me.

"Rachel?" I croaked out but got silence in response. I turned my head away from her at the sound of my car door being cranked open. Mint green eyes were the only thing I saw as I was being scooped out of the car.

"Shh, I got you beautiful" A soft voice cooed as I yelped out in pain. "Help! Over here!"

Was the last thing I heard as my world turn to darkness.

*Author's note*

till next time on Kiss me tenderly! Lol!

I told it was going to get emotional!! How many of you expected the car crash?

What do you guys think about Rachel and Rain's unknown past?

Who is Ella's savior with the mint green eyes?

ALL these questions will be answered on the next update!

Which will be...


Much love my pandas!!!xxx


P.S. What do you guys think of Rain's girlfriend?

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