Chapter 22- Memory Lane.

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I pulled my jacket closed around me as my feet crunched on the leaves. The October breeze flew through hair and across my face across, making goosebumps form on my body. The smell of  pine was in the air and the silence was filled with sadness.

"Hey Rach." I smiled weakly, coming to a stop in front of the stone covered in with flowers. I sat down with my legs crossed and eyes fixed on the engraving.

Rachel Morgan. April 5, 1997-October 4, 2013. Taken from the world too soon but always will remain in our hearts. Loving friend, even better daughter.

"I was going to bring you flowers but I know you don't like to have girly stuff around." I laughed. "So, I brought Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures instead." I added leaning the box against her stone. I sighed tracing the engraved 'friend' with my finger.

"What am I going to do without you Rachel?" I sighed. "I mean you were my best friend. The main person I came to rant to when it has to do with  boys. The friend that I would go out with to the salon to get facials and shop. I mean you were my only friend that was a girl and now you're..." I paused as a lump formed in my throat. "This wasn't supposed to end like this. You weren't supposed to go. We were supposed to graduate with each other and buy that condo in California or New York, with Shane living next door. We were supposed to grow old together and be the god moms of each others children. We both are supposed to be alive right now." I said as a tear slipped from my eye, picking up the picture frame that was in front of her grave. "I sit at night you know and think about what would have happened if I wasn't driving the car? Or what if I paid attention to the street? Maybe you would still be here. Maybe I...I would still be able to see what your kids look like and who you'd marry and be a bridesmaid. But none of that is going to happen because I-I...because...because I killed you." I cried, letting the frame fall from my hands.

"I killed you Rachel and I'm... I'm so sorry. If I could just go back to that day and never get into that car I would. If I just said no to going to the beach and maybe mention something about going to the movies that was the other way then I would. I just...I can't wrap my head around the fact that you're not going to be here. I can't force myself to believe that you're gone." I said my voice cracking. "you can't be gone Rachel. have to come back. This all has to be a dream. I can't lose you. I need to wake up and I need to know that you are here. I need to know that my friend is not gone. I'm never going to be able to hear your voice or see you again or have sleepovers and watch chick flicks with you again I just...I can't..." I trailed off into sobs. "I'm sorry Rachel. I'm sorry I didn't come to your funeral today but I didn't get an invitation and  I'm pretty sure your mom didn't want me to come after what I did to you."

"You're not the only one that didn't get one" A familiar voice that usually sounds cheery but is now laced with sadness said coming from behind me. I spun around to find Rain leaning against one of the trees dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans with a black v neck and a black blazer covering it. His multi-colored hair was pulled back into a beanie and his usually pierced face was a plain.

"What do you mean?" I asked wiping my fallen tears.

"I mean.." He began pushing himself off the tree and walking over to me. "That her mom hates me and didn't send a invitation." He added taking a seat next to me.  I nodded and brought my gaze back to the stone.

"I miss her so much, Rain." I said, voice cracking. He draped a arm around me and pulled me closer.

"I do too." He said sadly resting his head on top of mine. He let out a long sigh before speaking again. "I never got to apologize for what I did to her."

"What did you do exactly?"

"What didn't I do?" He laughed bitterly. "I treated her like a princess and I made her think I loved her. I did everything a good boyfriend should do but when I didn't get what I want everything changed."

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