Chapter 24- Welcome home.

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"I can't believe that I took off from work for his arrival and he is more than two hours late!" My mom yelled pacing the living room in rage. I sighed as I continued to scroll through tumblr. This is a normal thing when it comes to my mom and Max. Every little thing he does pisses her off and every little this she does annoys him. There always seems to be a fight when they are put within 50 feet of each other. Has been like that ever since I was 10 and he was 16.

"I'm sure his plane was late or maybe traffic was bad. He'll get here sooner or later." I said tossing my phone on the couch and resting my hands behind my head. "Just breath and relax for a moment mom."

"I can't relax when I know I missing out on time where I could be making money for us because I'm waiting on his butt to show up. It is ridiculous how he never thinks about anybody else but him. I have a life and another kid to take care of! He should be considerate of th-" Her sentence was cut short by the loud banging of the front door hitting the door after it flew open.

My brother stepped into the house not long afterwards with a duffel bag in one hand, long board in the other, and a lit cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He looked better than the last time I saw him. He was dressed in a red flannel shirt and washed out jeans with rips in the keens. His sandy blonde hair was covered by a grey beanie and his usually baby tanned face now had a shadowy beard. He looked his actual age but he probably doesn't act like it.

"I'm back!" He chimed with a smirk, dropping his bag to the ground. My mom stormed over to him with her fist clenched at her sides. I groaned knowing what was about to happen and pushed myself off the couch.

"Where the hell have you been?! You said you would be here two hours ago! I could have been at work making money to keep the rest of my family alive but instead I was here waiting for your inconsiderate self to show up!" My mom hissed getting up in his face. "And get that cancer stick out of my house!" She added yanking the cigarette out of his mouth and throwing it the door.

"It's nice to see you too mother." He said sarcastically, pushing past her and farther into the living room. "And if you must know I went to see some of my old friends for a few. If I had known you were going to nag at me I wouldn't have gone." He added taking out another cigarette and lighting it. "And don't take my cancer stick away from me. Thanks."

"And here we go." I sighed leaning against the wall awaiting my mom's outburst.

"You are...just...ugh! Why do you have to be so complicated!? Why can't you be a normal kid that treats their mom right? Why do you have to treat me like crap?!" She screamed hurt washing over her face. 

"Because when I was going through a hard time during my teen years you were never there for me, or Ally, or Ella. And you wonder why dad left? You were always too busy working or drinking. You never made anytime for us, until we left. Hell you even worked the day after Ally died. But that is something I don't want to talk about." He confessed picking his bag up, while blowing out a puff of smoke. "Hey sis. Can I talk to you up stairs in my room?" He said before jogging up the stairs. 

I looked over at my mom who was staring after him with a hurt expression and teary eyes. Her eyes dropped to the ground before a tear slipped down her face but she quickly wiped it away. She looked up at me with a watering stare.

" okay?" I asked walking towards her. She turned away and grabbed her jacket off the hook, along with her keys.  "Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to pick up dinner and run some errands. I'll be back in a few hours. Go see what your brother wants." She rushed before walking out of the house, shutting the door with a slam.

I sighed running my fingers through my hair knowing that she is probably going to have a drink. I headed to the stairs and made my way to Max's room wondering what he wanted to tell me. I paused at his door considering if I should knock or not. I pushed the door realizing it would be dumb to knock since he doesn't live here anyways.

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