Chapter 17- Lay under the stars with me.

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"Now if she does it like this, will you do it like that? Now if she touches like this, will you touch her right back? Now if she moves like this, will you move her like that?" I sang along while slipping on the light purple, strapless, knee high dress.

I shook my hips to the beat, making my way over to the mirror. I shook my hair out of the curly ponytail it was in, before slipping a flower crown headband over the locks. I put on a layer of light purple eye shadow before adding mascara, making my eyes look fuller. I added a coat of pink lipstick, smacking my lips together. I smiled into the mirror to see if I got any on my teeth. I put in my gold heart earrings, before attaching my brown owl necklace, and slipping my peach colored watch on. I pulled my ring with the word 'Love' written in script on to make my finger less bare. I danced over to my bed, where my white and tan wedges were, and stepped into them.

"Honey, When do you...oh my." My mom said coming into my room. I turned around to face her with a small smile as her eyes scanned my body.

"What do you think, mom? Is it too much?" I asked suddenly growing less confident with my outfit. She just stared at me with her mouth slightly ajar in response, making my nerves grow. "It's too much, isn't? I knew I should have went with skinny jeans! I'm way too dressed up for this! God, he's gonna think i'm an idiot!" I rambled heading towards my closet to change.

"Honey!" My mom exclaimed, catching my wrist in her firm hand. "You look amazing and i'm positive Shane is going to think the same thing. Just take a deep breath and relax." She cooed, making me feel calm. "Why are you so worked up anyways? It's not like you haven't hung out with Shane before."

I sighed, playing with a strand of hair. "I know, but this isn't just hanging out here or over at his house playing Call of duty. This time it's hanging out in a romantic fashion and it's the first real date i've ever had." I confessed as I sat on the bed. My mom chuckled and sat down next to me, resting her hand on my bare knee.

"Honey, I'm sure he is just as nervous as you. It's okay to be nervous about your first date. I might not be very fond of Shane at the moment, but I can tell he makes you happy, and i'm sure you are going to have the time of your life tonight." She assured running her hands through my hair, with a smile formed on her small lips.

"Thanks mom...for everything." I smiled pulling her into a hug, burring my face into her shoulder. She returned the hug resting her cheek on top of my hair.

"That's what moms are here for honey!" She said kissing the top of my head. I chuckled and pulled back from her.

"What were you about to ask me when you came in here?" I asked walking over to my nightstand to get my phone.

"Oh, I was just going to ask when you do think you're going to be back?" She replied nonchalantly. I chuckled while slipping my phone into my purse. "What?"

"It's nothing! It's just, that is such a mom thing to ask!" I laughed before focusing my attention. I could hear the low purr of Shane's pickup truck pull up into the driveway, making my nervousness spike. I looked over at my mom whose eyes were already on me.

"Do you want me to answer the door or should you?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow. "I mean I can open it if you want." She offered after I didn't say anything for awhile.

I finally found my voice again and cleared my throat to speak. "No no I can answer it, but thanks." I smiled before making my way out the door.

I hesitantly went down the stairs trying to calm my nerves before getting to the door. I stared at the door before looking down on my outfit to make sure it was decent enough. I fixed the fabric before looking back at the door. I let out a long shaky breath before pulling the door open.

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