Chapter 20- Call me when it happens.

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"Oh, come on! Don't be a baby! Man up a bit and force yourself out of the bed! You got this, Ella! I believe in you!" Lyric encouraged, from the other side of the room, as I tried for the 7th time to stand from the bed as best as I could considering I had a cast on my leg, but sat back down, because of the pain. I shot him another look, before letting out a breath. "All you have do is stand from the bed. It's not rocket science, love."

"You try doing it with a broken rib, asshole!" I retorted, collapsing back on to the bed, before giving a agonized scream. Everyone in the room rushed to my side and helped me up. I looked to my right and saw my mom and Shane looking at me with worried faces and on my left was the doctors looking at me, with the same expression, but then there was Lyric who had a smirk. "What are you smirking at, you jerk!?"

"Nothing really. I just think that you are a bit of a baby. I'm pretty sure that my grandmother could do this with out any problem." He confirmed, with a more prominent smirk. I gave a little growl, before slowly pushing myself off the bed once again. My legs shook, as I tried to steady myself and ignoring the pain rippling through my side. Once my feet were fully stable and I could stand straight, I turned towards Lyric with a victorious smirk.

"Ha! I did it! And I didn't even cry out in pain!" I said, wanting to do a victory dance. I gave Shane a toothy grin and he only returned with a look of usual.

"Okay, now WALK." Lyric pressed, leaning against the wall. Shane shot him a look that was unreadable, before looking back at me, with a soft expression.

"You don't have do that, Ella. Just take a rest.. We wouldn't blame you if you did." He said softly, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Speak for yourself, Curly! Because I would definitely blame you for being such a baby." Lyric blurted, making Shane's jaw tense.

"Look, you prick! She is obviously in a lot of pain and her body can't be put through that much stress right now. So how about you, just shut it!" Shane snapped, glaring over at Lyric. I heard a throaty laugh come from Lyric, which sent shivers up my spine.

"You know, she did invite me here, to help, with her healing process and that is what, I'm trying to do here. I might be kind of harsh, but that's part of my sparkling personality and it seems like it pushed her to stand." Lyric smirked, now standing between me and Shane.

"We said thank you for saving her and we are really grateful, but I still don't think you should be here, because all you do is remind her of that day and that's the last thing we need right now. So maybe you and your sparkling personality, should now." Shane stated, in a semi calm voice.

"Maybe it should be you who leaves, Curly. Because all you are doing is babying her and saying she can rest, but what she needs to do is move around, so they can fix her rib."

"I'm not going any where! She is my girlfriend, you cocky son of a b-"

"Okay, Stop!" I snapped, cutting him off. Both of them turned to me, with narrowed eyes. "I appreciate the concern, but its me who gets to chose what I want to do and right now I want to try walking." I added, making Shane's jaw tense and Lyric lips form a victory smirk. I looked at one of the doctors and gave them a small nod, before lifting up my foot to take a step. As soon as I did that pain shot through my body like a bullet and I let out a cry.

"See this is why I told you not to do it!" Shane yelled, in concern rushing over to me. I pushed his and away and took a deep breath. "Ella, what are you doing?"

"Trying to walk." I stated, shuffling a little bit to the end of the bed, before lifting my foot up. I gave another cry, before putting my foot back down.

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