Author's Note:

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Warning: Possible spoilers!

Thank you to every single person who has read, voted and commented on "Forwards!" While it hasn't quite had the success that "Backwards" has had, I am proud of it all the same. I've worked hard on this story and it's inspired me each and everyday. With the help from you guys as my readers, you have helped me to gain confidence that I never had before Wattpad. So, thank you!

The fact that some of you have been here from the very beginning, going along this journey with me means the absolute world! I love you guys so much! More than you'll ever know! I love my characters and they've become apart of my life. I'm always thinking of Harry and Charlie and Gracie. They are apart of me now and apart of my everyday activities. When I hear a song or see an image, they pop into my mind and I gain inspiration from them.

This book has taken a little longer for me to write and is not as long as "Backwards" because I've been wrapped up in my studies. I hope you all can forgive me for that. I really wish that I had a whole lot of extra time to put towards the story but I just don't right now. Therefore, I had to quicken it and make it shorter than I planned. Originally, I was aiming for 35 chapters, like "Backwards" but that obviously did not happen.

I hope you all have enjoyed both "Backwards" and "Forwards." They are my babies. Thank you so much for treating them with respect and loving them as much as I do. Writing is such an emotional process. I can't even begin to tell you how many time I've cried while writing this story. The last time that I bawled like a baby was in Chapter 20 when Harry had his breakdown in front of Lucy. It probably didn't help that I was listening to "Little Things" while writing that part.

All I can hope for is that I gave you moments of happiness, sadness and every other emotion in between as a reader. I'm not the best writer, I know that. This story is not "After" or "Hidden" or any of those other amazing super breakout fanfics and that's okay. I love my story and I'm proud of my story. I'm not about to give it up.



(Surprise bitch, no I really thought that I had read the last of you...)

It's official. It's now a soon-to-be trilogy! Exciting isn't it? I just love this story too much to end it. However, I'm going to concentrate on my studies for now and need a much needed break. Until then, please continue reading, voting and commenting on my stories! Every read, vote and comment means the world to me.

Thank you.

- imindenialler

Forwards // Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now