Liam Payne is the oldest of Geoff and Karen Payne's five sons, the most wealthiest business people in the whole world.
Due to his parents being away all the time in business meetings, Liam is left to care for his little brothers, Louis 15, Zayn 13...
"Up." Niall whined as he crawled about on Liam's bed, trying to convince Liam and Olivia to get up.
"Okay baby boy." Liam sighed, seeing that the clock read 7:15 am and this was actually a long lie in for him.
He got out of bed and picked Niall up, wrapping him in a blanket as it would be cold downstairs because no one had put the heating on yet.
"Liv, you can stay in bed if you want, I think Harry's still a bit sleepy." He said, gesturing to the boy cuddled up to her side.
"Okay Li, I'm actually not that tired anymore but I'm enjoying the cuddles I'm getting." She chuckled.
"If he doesn't wake up before, can you wake him up at eight? I don't want him sleeping too long just incase he's wet."
"Sure Li." She said as he walked out of the room with Niall in his arms. He walked down the massive staircase carefully and went straight into the kitchen to heat up a bottle for Niall.
"Do you want to watch TV or will LiLi read you a book?" Liam asked Niall as he prepared the baby's bottle expertly with the one hand.
"'Ook." Niall decided as he rested his head against Liam's chest.
"Okay baby boy. Do you want to pick one?" He asked taking the bottle out of the microwave and testing to make sure it wasn't too warm.
After no answer from Niall he managed to screw the bottle lid on with one hand and then shook the bottle while he walked into the sitting room. It was another one of the living rooms but this one wasn't as modern, it had a fireplace and a bookcase full of all the baby books.
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"What shall we read this morning?" Liam asked as he scanned the bookshelf with Niall in his arms.
Niall's little hand shot out to touch a book as Liam walked by and Liam stopped and took the book off of the shelf.
"That's Not My Bear." Liam read the cover. "Good choice snowflake." Liam said as he took a seat on the couch and cradled Niall while feeding him the bottle with one hand and holding the book in the other so that Niall could see all of the pictures.
As Liam started reading the book, letting Niall get a good look at the pictures before he turned the page, Niall began to wake up. He had managed to wriggle out of the blanket, which was now discarded on the floor and was sitting on Liam's lap while the older read the book instead of lying down. He still slurped from his bottle, that he finished just after Liam finished reading the book.
"Bubba?" Niall said, asking for Harry.
The 'H' and two 'r's were too hard for Niall to pronounce so Harry had acquired the name bubba.
"Okay snowflake. Will we go back upstairs and wake Harry and Liv up?" Liam asked as Niall was now fully awake.
Niall nodded his head enthusiastically and Liam took him back upstairs to the latter's room where Harry was still sleeping. Olivia had ditched her phone and was just embracing the cuddles she was receiving from Harry.