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After Liam had dried Harry he took him into his room and got him dressed into some jeans and a princess Ariel t-shirt. He let Harry's hair dry naturally as, although there is a lot of it, it's easier than having to blow dry it with the hair drier.

Liam and Olivia then swapped kids and Liam got Niall dressed as Olivia had already put a nappy on the baby. Olivia took Harry down stairs to start breakfast, singing and dancing along to the radio while she looked for ingredients to make pancakes.

Liam laid Niall on the changing table once again and put a grey baby grow on him, snapping the clips at the crotch. He then put little socks on Niall's feet and some baby Vans trainers.

The family had been sent lots of gifts after Niall's birth, Moses baskets, designer clothes, designer shoes, such as Timberland and Vans, and of course some personalised onesies.

"There we go baby boy! All dressed." Liam said as he placed kisses all around Niall's face and tickling his little sides, making the baby cackle with laughter.

Liam lifted Niall off of the changing table and into his arms. Niall laughed and pointed to his dummy which Liam retrieved and placed in the one year old's mouth. Niall bounced happily on Liam's hip as the two made their way down the stairs.

When Liam reached the kitchen he was met with a beautiful sight. His girlfriend and baby brother were dancing and singing to Beyoncé in the kitchen while Olivia tried to flip the pancakes too.

"Mmmm, something smells good!" Liam smiled happily as he placed Niall in his high chair and placed a kiss on Olivia's lips and on Harry's cheek.

"It's pancakes Li. Do you want Nutella or syrup?" Olivia asked as she concentrated on slipping the pancake.

"I'll help you love, let me get the boys sorted first."

Olivia told Liam that the first two pancakes were ready so Liam cut one up and placed it on one of Niall's plastic plates with a little bit of syrup at the side, which was probably a bad idea as it would lead to a very sticky situation. He then spread some Nutella on Harry's pancakes and put it onto a Disney princess plate.

"Bon appetite my loves." Liam said as he placed the plates in front of the boys.

As Olivia waited for the other pancakes go cook she stood beside Liam, on the opposite side of the breakfast bar to the two babies, and he snaked his hand around her waist while she lay her head against him. He placed a kiss to her hair and then looked up to see Harry staring at them.

"We could play a family game! Olivia could be the mummy and you could be the daddy. We could be like a proper family." Harry said, eyes shining and Liam's heart broke.

"Are we not a proper family right now Hazza?" Liam asked, a little bit scared of hearing his answer.

"We are, but mummy and daddy are never home. The other boys and girls in my class mummies and daddies come to pick them up from school. I love you very very much LiLi, but we're not like a normal family." Harry sighed.

"I'm sorry you feel that way baby, and I'm trying everything to give you boys what you need. Mum and dad don't seem to understand that not everything is resolved with a cheque book."

"But I wouldn't want anyone else LiLi." Harry said as he munched into his pancake.

"I'm glad." Liam smiled before starting to dance with Olivia as Ed Sheeran's 'Thinking Out Loud' came on the radio.

"People fall in love in mysterious ways...." he sang while twirling Olivia round and then pulling her close to his chest and just swaying, listening to the two giggly boys behind them.

"Liam, the pancakes, I need to-"

"But me, I fall in love with you every single day. I just want to tell you I aaaaaam..." Liam finished singing and twirled Olivia one last time before releasing her to attend the pancakes.

"All done LiLi!" Harry smiled, chocolate spread all around his face and in the crevices of his dimples.

"Hazza! You're covered in chocolate!" Liam laughed as he took a wet wipe and began to wipe his face.

"It was so good LiLi. Thank you Liv." Harry grinned at the girl as she placed a plate of pancakes for her and Liam down.

"You're welcome baby." She smiled, pecking Harry's head while both her and Liam observed the mess Niall seemed to be making.

"Nialler lad, how did you manage to get syrup in your hair." Liam sighed as the baby cheekily smirked, probably knowing all too well what he was doing.

Suddenly, Liam's phone started ringing and the colour in his face drained as he noticed the caller ID. He quickly picked up his phone from the counter before Harry could see.

"I'll be back in a minute." He told Olivia before leaving the kitchen.

"Hello?" He answered the phone.

"Liam! It's mum."

"I know, I have caller ID. Why haven't you called?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"We've just been so busy darling, you know running a business is hard."

"Well I've had to lie to the boys for you and dad more times than I care for. They miss you guys so much, you'd think you could spare a little bit of time to talk to your children. Niall hasn't seen you in over three weeks and he's beginning to speak more."

"Well I have good news Li! Your dad and I are coming home in two weeks! We have a business meeting in London so we'll be able to stay at home."

"How long will you be home for?" Liam inquired as Harry always got extremely upset when their mum would have to leave.

"I think it's a week, but it could get cut back to five days depending on how things go in the States."

"Okay mum, I'll see you soon, yeah? I've got to get back to the boys." Liam said, mentally thinking 'my boys' and cutting the conversation short

"Okay Li. Tell the boys mummy misses and loves them." She said and Liam hung up the phone.

He had no intention of telling the boys their mum called as it would just get them more upset. He would tell them that their parents were coming home once Louis and Zayn returned. He just hoped everything would go well during their visit.

Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Let me know what you guys think of Karen and Geoff in the comments.

Also, tomorrow would you like me to update this book (bearing in mind Zouis will enter next chapter) or SOML? Let me know that too in the comments.

Hope you guys are having a brilliant day wherever you are!

Love you guys

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