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The next morning, Liam called his godfather to see what legal issues there would be with trying to adopt the boys. As suspected, there were a few since the government tended to take children away from their parents as a last resort and since there was no signs of physical abuse, just neglect, this would be harder to prove in court. However, the man told his 'nephew' not to worry, that he'd sort something out.

"Lou bubba, it's time to get up." Liam said shaking the boy who had slept in his big brother's bed the night before. "C'mon, it's toilet time." He added, causing the younger to groan.

"What do you mean 'toilet time?'" He whined, trying to sit up.

"Well since you can't get there without someone's help, that someone being me, I need to schedule some times to take you so that you don't need to go when I'm busy doing something else." Liam explained while opening the curtains. "Right now is just before the time Niall usually gets up, so we need to be quick so I can get to him when he wakes."

"Are you serious? It sounds like you've got me on a schedule that a two year old would have for potty training." The younger teen sighed as he manoeuvred himself out of bed. Liam helped the boy into the toilet where he waited for the younger to do his business.

"Andy's coming over to watch you and Zee while I take Hazza and Ni out. Being cooped up in the house the past few days has been driving them mad and Harry said he misses 'daddy time.' Which doesn't make any sense since we've still been having our usual story time." Liam said as he made sure Louis washed his hands properly.

When Liam finally got the younger boys up he changed them into clothes for going shopping straight away. Harry was in need of a few more clothes after a growth spurt so he supposed he could kill two birds with the one stone and take them out shopping.

"Be good for Andy, yeah? I'll be back soon but if you need anything just ask Andy, that's what he's here for." Liam told Louis as he shrugged on his sweater and gave the latter a kiss on the forehead before grabbing Harry's hand and picking Niall up, taking them to the car.

The ride to the shopping centre was powered by a mixture of nursery rhymes and pop music. Liam sang along to 'Incy Wincy Spider' and 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' with Harry while Niall squealed and clapped happily. Upon arriving at the shops, Liam got the youngest situated in his buggy and made sure Harry was holding his hand before crossing the car park into the centre.

There was one major advantage of basically being a full time dad at eighteen - he could park in the parent and child spaces.

"Right Hazza, we're here to get you some new clothes today. How does that sound bubba?" Liam asked, pushing the pram (with a sleeping Niall in it) in the direction of one of the children's wear stores where he gets some of the boys clothes. Being an influential family, they were sent clothes from big brands like Gucci but as Liam found out, it's not practical to keep a one year old or an eight year old in designer clothes all the time. They were messy, plain and simple. Niall's clothes basically had to be changed every time he had a meal (tomato sauces were avoided at all costs) and Harry would always end up slightly dirty when sitting on the grass making his flower crowns or Daisy chains.

However, Liam would never ever comment on them getting dirty as they were children and it was bound to happen when they were having fun and playing. That was one thing that always used to piss him off when he was younger, his mum and dad would dress him and Louis in the fanciest clothes but they were only allowed to sit and look handsome in them. When Liam was five, and Louis two, he would have wanted to run about their football pitch sized back garden, playing said sport, slide tackling whichever Butler was ordered to play with him that time but instead he was forced to stay inside because there was always the chance of his expensive clothes getting dirtied.

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