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After cleaning Zayn up, Liam packed a bag for himself, Zayn, Harry and Niall, trusting Louis to have made a good job of packing his own bag. Once all the bags were packed Louis took them down and put them in the boot of Liam's Range Rover, bypassing the office where he was sure he heard his mum and dad fighting.

Meanwhile Liam was trying to explain to Harry that he couldn't bring all of his teddies, and that he'd only be away for one night. This was hard as the curly haired boy put up quite a fight and was on the brink of a tantrum. Liam in the end allowed him to bring five stuffies, instead of his original three.

Once Louis appeared up the stairs again, telling Liam that all the bags were in the car, Liam got all of the boys situated in the car and finally handed them their brunch.

"Liam, I don't feel good." Zayn groaned just as Liam pulled out of the drive.

"I know you don't baby, but we'll be at Olivia's in ten minutes." Liam assured him.

The boys finally arrived at Olivia's house and she came out to help Liam get some of their stuff inside. She lived with her father in a three bedroom house so there was a spare room where Louis and Zayn would be sleeping.

"Hey baby!" Olivia cooed as she unbuckled Niall from his car seat while Liam got Harry out.

Once Harry was out of the car Liam got to work on bringing Zayn out which was harder work as the thirteen year old wasn't really cooperating.

"C'mon Zee, I need you to stand up for me." Liam asked as he tried to help Zayn out of the car.

"Is he not feeling well?" Olivia asked, noting Zayn's unusually pale complexion.

"Yeah, I think he's got a bit of a tummy bug." Liam admitted, finally just picking Zayn up to take him into the house.

Zayn wrapped his arms and legs tightly around Liam, laying his head on his big brother's shoulder. He clung on like a koala as Liam walked into the house, only detaching himself when Liam put him down on the couch.

"Are you sure this is okay?" He asked Olivia, "I could always take them to a hotel" he suggested, not wanting to burden her with the four boys.

"You will do no such thing Li!" She said as she cuddled Niall close to her chest. "At least here, they'll be in a proper home."

As the boys got settled, Olivia and Liam started to make up the guest room for Zayn and Louis, making up the double bed they have in the room and setting their pyjamas out on the bed so it's ready for night time.

For the rest of the day the six of them just relaxed in Olivia's house, Liam running after Zayn who had been sick a couple of more times.

When Olivia's dad arrived home they were all in the living room. Olivia was playing on the carpet with Harry and Niall, and Zayn was cuddled into Liam on the couch. Louis was situated on the opposite couch, texting Emma.

"Hey Liv, oh hi Liam." Tom said as he entered the house.

"Hey Tom." Liam greeted with a smile and attempted to get up to greet the man.

"It's okay just stay where you are. I take it he's not feeling very well?" Tom asked looking at a pallid Zayn.

"Yeah, I think he's got a tummy bug." Liam said, running his hand through Zayn's hair.

The rest of the night consisted of Liam introducing all of the kids to Tom, which was fairly simple as all of the children quickly took a liking to the man. He made them all dinner, despite Liam insisting it was the least he could do since he was letting them all stay the night.

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