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"Liam! We're home!" Liam heard the door open and two people scuffle into the hall way. He heard bags being dropped and immediately readied himself for Louis and Zayn's greeting.

They were all sitting on the couch, Niall lying on Liam's stomach as they both watched the TV. Harry and Olivia were sat playing with Harry's dollies in the corner.

"Leeeeeeyum!" He heard Zayn shout and then he and Louis appeared in the living room.

"Hey Zee. I've missed you bud." Liam said, bringing Zayn into his arms. Zayn still tolerated cuddling, something that Louis insists he's grown out of, but Liam knew that was because Zayn was like Harry, a bit more sensitive towards things.

"I missed you to LiLi! But Louis and I watched a scary movie last night at Danny's house. It was scary but I was okay watching it because I'm a big boy." Zayn grinned as he knew Liam would never in a million years have let him watch the movie.

"Zayn, you weren't supposed to tell him." Louis sighed and then took the seat across from his brothers. "And plus, do big boys cry all night after the film and have to sleep with their big brothers?" Louis teased and Liam shot a sharp look at Louis.

"Did you get a nightmare babe?" Liam asked and Zayn shyly nodded.

"But Boo helped." Zayn said as Liam sighed. That was exactly why Liam didn't want him watching the movie.

Louis might tease Zayn a lot, even in front of their football friends, but the things is, only Louis is allowed to tease Zayn. The minute one of the other boys say anything bad about him Louis turns into a protective older brother. So, when Nick had made a comment about Zayn being a baby for crying, Louis shouted at him, asked him if he wanted a fight and then let Zayn sleep with him in his sleeping bag. The two cuddled all night and Zayn didn't have anymore nightmares.

"Boo, I'll speak to you later. It seems some of the things you are coming to enjoy are a bit too graphic for the boys as Harry also ended up in my bed last night as he had a nightmare because of your video game." Liam said and it was then the boys noticed Olivia playing with Harry.

"Boys this is Olivia, my girlfriend, but you already know that." Liam introduced.

Zayn stood up shyly from beside Liam and went over to greet the girl. Liam smiled at the boy's manners however, his smile faded when he spotted Louis lounging on the couch, not listening to a word Liam had said.

"Louis, don't be rude. Go over and say hello to Olivia." Liam scolded.

Louis huffed but plastered a fake smile on his face to greet his brother's girlfriend, he really wanted his phone back and Liam wouldn't have him it back unless he was good.

"So you're Louis and Zayn?" Olivia asked and the two boys nodded. "Liam talks about you guys all the time." She smiled as the two boys blushed.

She ended up getting into a conversation with Zayn about art, much to Harry's dismay, as the attention was no longer on him.

Louis took this as his cue to leave and approached Liam, who was still sitting, with a now sleeping Niall on his chest.

"Li do you think I could, you know, get my phone back?" Louis asked hopefully. Liam sighed and looked down at Niall, who he now noticed was sleeping and motioned for Louis to go upstairs.

"Liv, I'm going to put Niall down for his nap, will you be okay down here with the boys?" He asked and Olivia nodded and went back to her conversation with Zayn.

Liam stood up and exited the living room, finding Louis just standing in the hall.

"Go up to my room. I'll be in once I put Niall down." He said as they both made their way up the stairs.

The boys split ways at the top of the stairs, Louis going into Liam's room and Liam going across the hall into Niall's room. He checked that Niall's nappy was dry before placing him down in the crib and tucking him in with his dummy and blankie. He placed a kiss to Niall's forehead and left the room, heading back to his own.

Louis was sitting on the edge of Liam's bed but stood up when Liam came in. Liam walked over to his chest of drawers and took Louis' phone out of the top drawer.

"I hope you learned your lesson Boo. You were so cheeky yesterday morning and I don't have time for that." Liam sighed and that's what really caught Louis.

Louis was still able to go out with his friends, have fun, go do teenager things and go to parties but Liam's been doing what he does now since he was fourteen. Louis knows that if Liam hadn't stepped up to be responsible it would've been nanny after nanny taking care of them, but Liam didn't want that. He also knows that having Olivia over is the first person, other than Andy, Liam's best friend and Uncle Andy to Harry and Niall, Liam's had over to the house in a long time.

"I'm sorry Li." Louis sighed while Liam smiled.

"It's alright bub, you're all forgiven now yeah? It's in the past." Liam cooed as he brought Louis in for a hug.

Louis was stiff at the beginning, adamant that he wasn't going to melt into Liam's embrace like the other boys do, however Liam's bear hugs were the best and Louis couldn't help himself.

"Also, you need to stop playing those video games around the boys. That means any video game that is rated over a twelve - including a twelve A - is not to be played in their company." Liam said as he ran his hands through Louis' hair.

He felt Louis nod into his chest and pulled away. He thanked Liam once again for his phone before disappearing to his room.

Hey guys!

So I know this chapter has been highly anticipated as Zouis have finally been introduced to the story. Let me know what you think about their characters!

I also updated Story of My Life today, so you could also check that out.

Love you guys

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