When the younger boys woke up on Sunday morning, Olivia had already arrived. Of course, Harry and Niall had had their morning routine of them waking up early and then going to snuggle in Liam's bed. This time however, the boys slept until nine which was a new record.
Louis got up at half past nine which was also quite rare since he usually sleeps until later. It probably had something to do with the fact that Liam put him to bed at nine o'clock as his punishment. Zayn usually stayed up later too, but Liam managed to get all four boys in bed before nine - which was a success.
Liam then had a lot of time to himself, to FaceTime Olivia and make sure everything was locked up before he retired to bed. Olivia had also phoned Harry just before bed, as promised. She told him she'd be over tomorrow and couldn't wait to see him. He, in return, told her that he missed her which made Liam coo.
Liam was happy that she was coming back to the house, and that the boys, or at least Harry, were excited about it. However, one thing he wasn't excited about was telling the boys about their parents coming home.
Niall wouldn't understand, Harry would probably get his hopes up too much, same with Zayn, but Louis might be a little bit more angry. Anytime Louis and Liam have 'grown up' conversations as Liam calls them, about their parents, Louis always ends up getting annoyed and frustrated at them. Liam knew Louis was old enough to understand that their was a difference between a father and a mother and a mum and dad.
Anyone could be a father or a mother, but it took someone special to be a mummy or a daddy. Obviously, Karen and Geoff didn't have that 'something special'.
Liam woke up during the night as he heard someone moving about. Harry was already snuggled into his side, having already snuck into his brother's bed without Liam knowing. Throwing on a pair of sweats, he exited the room and looked up and down the corridor. The noise had stopped and everything seemed silent.
However, just to make sure Liam checked the boys' rooms knowing that Harry's would be empty. Niall was sleeping soundly in his cot, nothing looking misplaced in his room. Next he checked Zayn's room and panicked slightly when the boy wasn't in bed, and when he checked the toilet he wasn't in there either.
He checked Louis' room next to make sure that it was only Zayn who was 'missing'. When he opened the door to Louis' room he cooed loudly at the sight. Zayn was wrapped in Louis' arms as the both of them cuddled in his bed.
Louis was holding Zayn protectively and Liam smiled proudly as he exited the room quietly, happy that the noise he heard must've been Zayn going to Louis' room. He drifted off into a peaceful sleep once he got back to his own bed, waking up at 6 to get Niall.
Olivia was also the one that got Liam out of bed that morning since she was at his front door at quarter past nine. He welcomed her in and they both went back upstairs, this time greeted by an extremely happy Harry.
"Liv! You're back!" Harry said throwing himself at her. She caught him, both of her hands supporting his bottom as he wrapped his arms around her neck.
His pull-up stuck out of his shorts as his top was riding up to expose his back. She pulled his pyjama top down with one hand and then rubbed circles into his back.
Liam then made his bed and got both boys changed out of their pyjamas, Harry not caring about being 'nakey' in front of Olivia today. Harry was extremely open around people he was comfortable with. Once both boys were changed, Harry into his big boy underwear and a Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles t-shirt with jeans and Niall in a grey one piece with little jeans on top.

Our Brother is a Superhero
FanfictionLiam Payne is the oldest of Geoff and Karen Payne's five sons, the most wealthiest business people in the whole world. Due to his parents being away all the time in business meetings, Liam is left to care for his little brothers, Louis 15, Zayn 13...