Chapter Two - Welcome To Stoneworth

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Time To Step Up @ Boarding School


Chapter Two


Welcome To Stoneworth


There it was, my new home... Stoneworth Academy. Who knew that I would end up here, at my uncle's school? It's better than anywhere else and me and Russell have a strong bond and he is my Godfather who had helped my dad raise me and accepted me in the crew.

He taught me how to defend myself and most importantly, he taught me how to dance!

The whole building was huge. Near the gates on the left is the boy's dorm and on the right is the girl's dorm.

I walked through the gates as it was ajar and carried on walking, I do know where I am going, I've been here before to visit my Grandfather, who had passed away months ago, so Russell has now inherited the boarding school.

There were students about, wearing either green or blue uniforms, the school colours are green, white and blue. Some kids were chasing each other, throwing eggs, using slingshots and some were making out, even. Nice, I grimaced.

Now in the Main building, the school logo laid smack down in the middle of the marble tiled floor. Seeing a sign that says 'Reception - second floor' I followed it, getting curious stares from a few students. Ignoring them, I continued climbing the stairs to the reception.

The receptionist was glued to the computer, so I decided to walk into the Headmaster's office, where my uncle should be.

Russel snapped his head up when he heard me walk in.

"Kayla! What are you doing here?" he asked me, standing up and walked over to me, putting his hands on my upper arms, "What is this?" He was referring to my gym bag.

"Catherine kicked me out." I told him, using my mum's name, "For good."

"Oh, Kayla, sit down, sweetheart." He led me to a chair, "Samantha, fetch us two coffees, please!"

"Right away, sir!" Samantha, the receptionist called back.

"Kayla, I have had a phone call from the social services, telling me you got yourself expelled from St Paul's Boarding School." Russell then laughed, "I see, the school got 'stoned' did it?" He laughed again.

I smiled, remembering what I did. I spray painted the school 'stoned' with green spray paint. It took me all night to do it.

"You can stay here, Kayla." Russell said, "But, as I am extremely busy, I'll get Samantha to take you things to your room, luckily, we have rooms left. Now, go and explore the school. And, please keep out of trouble."

"Okay, Russell, thank you... I love you, uncle."

"I love you too, sweetheart - Oh! And, Kayla?"

I turned back around to face him, "Yeah?"

"For now on, for your own safety, you name is Kayla Staines, your Grandmother's maiden name, yes?"

"Yes, Russ, bye!"

So, here I am at most probably the worst school, so I have been told, in the country. Which is full of nothing but dealers, serial killers and bullies. Real scum. And, if anybody here thinks that they can tame me, we shall see people. I only give people what they deserve.

"Where is your school uniform? - Oh! You're new, sorry, bloody kids are driving me mad." Samantha said, shaking her head, handing me my coffee, "What uniform colour would you like? Blue or green?"

Which colour suits me better? Both colours do, but blue would make my eyes stand out, they're bright green.

"Ugh, I'd go for the blue, please. Can I wear pants?" I asked, leaning on the desk watching Samantha order my uniform.

"All girls have to wear skirts, I'm afraid."

Damn, I can't wear skirts, they're uncomfortable. I nodded my head. I'm still not wearing a skirt though.

"Okay, blue jumper or vest?" Samantha asked me.

"Err, God, I don't do those, any jackets?"

"Cardigans? They look like boyfriend jackets but with buttons."

"Yeah, sure."

Samantha typed away, "Mm hm, okay, checkered skirt or plain?"

"Hmm... Checkered's cool."

"Okay." Samantha clicked order, "Your uniform will be at the lost and found booth downstairs opposite the boy's toilets. They will also give you your locker and room key. I will provide your homework diary and schedule which will be ready for you tomorrow. So... Have a nice day and welcome to Stoneworth."

"Thank you." I smiled and left.


Now walking with my uniform in my arms, folded and brand new with that clean fresh Febreeze smell. My locker and room key are on the same key ring which i have attached to my finger. I have a spare belt hook which I can attach my keys on and hook it on my belt hook. No way am I wearing a skirt, still. Russell know that I don't like skirts, so he might let that rule slip.

The girls dorm is huge. The walls were... Pink, the floors were white and there is a chandelier hanging over white leather suites. My room is on the second floor, so I climbed the wide staircases. Some girls' doors were opened and I could hear giggling and music.

47, my room. Unlocking it, the smell of air freshener hit me. There was a small double bed with two pillows and a duvet with the covers on top of a straw cabinet. As well, I have a small television with a DVD player and a dressing table. There is also a mini fridge and there's a closet near the door. Another room leads to the small bathroom and my window opens like a double door with blue curtains.

"Nice." I though out loud.

I put my uniform down on top of my gym bag which Samantha must've brought up before. I made my bed and placed everything away and changed into my uniform. I didn't like what I saw in the bathroom mirror, with the cardigan and skirt on, so I swapped them for blue skinny jeans and just kept my white shirt and tie on. I placed a blue DC cap and white high tops on as well.

Better. Much, much better.

I sat on my bed and clutched a photo frame with the picture of my family, my crew. Zero Gravity. We were the winners of the UK National Championships. We became world wide known, famous.

A tear slipped down my cheek and I pressed my lips to the picture.

"I miss you guys." More tears spilled, "I'll never quit dancing, I promise..." I put the frame down and stood up, clenching my fists, "I guess now, It's time to step up... at boarding school!"

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