Chapter Three - Making New Friends and Enemies

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Time To Step Up @ Boarding School


Chapter Three


Making New Friends and Enemies


Bored as an idiot with a piece of paper with 'turn over' on both sides, I decided to explore this hell hole. The dorm is too pink for me and some of the girls are too much of gigglers and shriekers, as well.

I was walking down the stairs when a girl with really dark brown hair and was walking up the stairs, then she noticed me walking down. I plan to ignore her and walk straight passed her.

"Hey, you're the new kid aren't you?" she asked me.

"Yeah, what's it to you?" I admit, I do have a little attitude, but it isn't a problem.

"Friendly, aren't you? Look, you're going to be needing friends to survive this school."

"Really?" I don't have time to for nonsense, so I made a move to carry on walking.

"Relax, friend." She grabbed my arm, "You better be careful, they might put you an medication, they did with me, God, nearly sent me insane."

"Okay..." I tried to move, but her grip tightened.

"I said relax, friend!"

"Get off me, man!"

"Like I said, you're going to be needing friends, and I am offering to be your friend."

Sighing and tired of this, I nodded, "Okay."

"The girl smiled, "Good, I'm Gina."


"Let me show you who's who in this dump."

I should know who I will bump into in this school, and what I have heard is that this school has groups. Like the school's you'll find in the movies, you have: Jocks, nerds, geeks, greasers, cheerleaders, preppies, emos, goths, Eco freaks, indies and first years... I wonder what this school has in store for me. Come on Stoneworth surprise me, give me all you got.

Gina lead me inside the Main building, and again, I am getting strange looks. Gina glared at them and said 'what?', 'what you staring at?' and even 'take a picture it'll last longer!'. She's a cocky bitch, I can tell.

Across inside the Main building is the canteen and I could smell boiling cabbage and burning stew.

"Feeding time at the zoo." Gina said once we were in the entrance of the canteen, "Over there..." Gina gestured to a group of kids wearing complete uniform and were playing chess and studying, "The nerds and geeks... The geeks are the technical ones, the nerds are you're logical ones. Oh, and they're complete outcasts.

"Completely harmless."

"Actually, they're sneaky bastards. Their territory is the library, only go in unless you have a pass from one of them or a teacher."

"Whoop-te-doo..." I was clearly bored and clearly not bothered.

Gina then pointed to a bunch of kids wearing checkered blue sweatshirt vests and carque pants with black shoes, and the girls wearing the same but with carque skirts.

"And those are the preppies, or posh tots, whatever you wanna call them." Gina said, "They're all money and 'my father'."

"And complete inbreds with no brains."

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