Chapter 1: Looking Forward

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The sun has lightened the room already and the curtains yellowish shade brightened it more.  It's very glaring for a tired, sleepy eyes.  Going back to sleep is a tempting option but its a weekday. Work is waiting.

"What time is it?" while trying to make a glimpse at the wall clock in front of the bed.

"My gosh, it's 7 o'clock already!"Immediately getting up on bed when suddenly a strong knock on the door was heard.

Mom then shouted, "Ersha, it's seven o'clock already.  You'll be late for work." 

I'm awake already mom and instantly prepared my uniform to wear, then rushed for a quick morning bath.

While eating breakfast...

Ersha, I've noticed that your eyes have been puffy for so many weeks already.  Were you been crying? asked mom.

Yeah, is there anything causing you to weep? dad teasingly added.

Nahh, don't mind it.  I'm just been reading some stories that are eye cleansers.  

"So you were into that kind of genre huh.  You'd better go for some humorous ones like your dad." Then kissing him on his cheek and making some childish pokes with him.

"Mom, Dad, I have to go now.  It's quarter to 8 already."  Finishing only bread, egg and milk.  

"Ok baby, take care."  replied mom. 

"Don't forget to eat snacks later or else I'll go to your department and let you eat a buffet."  Dad jokingly said.

My parents were like children who have just experienced puppy love.  They kiss, caress or tease each other every time there's something "green" that comes out of their minds.  I think it's what they call telepathy of love, for couples tend to non-verbally communicate with their other half.

After arriving at work in just a nick of time, the office desk was already piling with documents needed for encoding.  Instead of destroying my mood, I took it as a positive thing.  The more work, the more I forget.  Being in the records department is quite boring.  Ballpen, papers and computer are the only things you can talk or lean on to.

In a few minutes while doing some data entry, someone came in to the office.  "Mam, can I ask for a death certificate?" asked the woman.

Who's name is it?replying without looking at the client.

"It's Ersha Nieves." and the answer got into her nerves for who the hell is this woman asking for a death certificate with my name on it or maybe it's just coincidentally similar to mine.  So, I stopped and tried to look up when the woman in front of me is about to burst into laughter.

Hahaha.  I got you with that!  Laughed hardly by my long-time high school friend.  

"Oh you were still so much the same Marsha."  Hugging her tightly.

"How are you Ersha, I heard you have a love of life already."  Moving her eyebrows while asking about it.

Ahhh, forget it.  We both parted ways already.  He dumped me for some nobody.

Oh, I'm so sorry my dear for asking about that.  Don't worry I'm here to lean on.  Holding my hands tight and giving me a comforting rub on the back.  Well, how about a month long vacation in our farm?  Don't you wanna come with me?

"I'll think about it first",  replied Ersha in a non-decisive tone.

Oh common, Jane is coming with us too.  For sure, you will not regret it .. Looking at Ersha in a pleading way.

Ok, I'm on it. you really have that knack of convincing people. 

Yehey! leaping for joy for Ersha's commitment.

I'll inform first our department head and then search for a reliever.  The hospital is quite strict when it comes to vacation leave.  

So next week will be sure already?  Asked Marsha.

"Yep, it will be" while giving a thumbs up signal to Marsha.

"Ok see you next week.Bye-Bye," while doing a cheek to cheek farewell then the room turned to silence again as Marsha left.

The entire week was a mixture of excitement and stress.  Her mind was full of things of what the vacation would be like and at the same time, coping up with the demands of unfinished files needed for encoding, filing and reporting.  Luckily, the reliever she's been training for a few days is quite a fast learner and has been a great help.  It's really different to have a company to chat with in your workplace and this may be the reason why no one lasts in this area.  The job might not be that burdensome, but having no one to talk with is quite boring especially for age like mine who is still into challenging and competitive environment.

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